Man, what a blast from the past. ZetaBoards was definitely a home away from home. I met so many people from there and still manage to stay in contact with a select few. Many of my own forums weren't successful but I enjoyed every minute of trying to make something that was/would be. I also managed to be a staff member at some of the largest or at least a trainee/intern at some. Outline, GForce, JustGFX and Atrium were some of my favorites and was incredibly glad to be apart of them in one aspect or another.
Ironically speaking I found my old computer from during this time and managed to find many of the old graphics packs that I had downloaded from themes such as the JustGFX remake and many of the PSD's that came from that, same with the many Outline themes, etc. Glad to jcink has Cory to convert these as the styling seems fairly similar considering IF to jcink is similar.