The phrase "working hard" pisses me up nowadays not because I am lazy but because working hard is not the way to get rich and be comfortable.
For instance look around you, I am sure you know atleast one person who is very hardworking, they could be a close friend, neighbours, it could even be our dad or mum. But look at them, sometimes when you hear them speak, some will tell you they have been working for twenty years, some thirty and some fourty and above years with nothing to show for it. All the money they got from working hard are only used to cater for their family and pay bills, after all this they have nothing to show for it after long years of working and sweating.
For instance look around you, I am sure you know atleast one person who is very hardworking, they could be a close friend, neighbours, it could even be our dad or mum. But look at them, sometimes when you hear them speak, some will tell you they have been working for twenty years, some thirty and some fourty and above years with nothing to show for it. All the money they got from working hard are only used to cater for their family and pay bills, after all this they have nothing to show for it after long years of working and sweating.