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Hello, glad to be in a XenForo forum :)


New Member
Oct 4, 2013
I've just found this board and I'm glad to experience first hand a XenForo based forum. I'm in the process of setting up a forum myself and, until today, I was sure vBulletin was the plaftorm of choice. Most forums I've been on are built on vBulletin and it seemes to be the 'industry standard'. However, I've been reading posts and articles where owners have been moving over to XenForo, and I think I'm beginning to see why.

I am a designer rather than a back-end code,r which means looks are as important as functionality, and I'm loving the look and feel of this forum, as well as the cool interface. :allsmiles:

Sounds like I may be re-thinking my original idea of setting up on vBulletin.
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Hello and welcome to WebGuruBB!

Forums are a great way to get a community going. Just need to get it nice and active and get a few loyal users.

Regarding XenForo and vB, I love XenForo. I don't think I would ever use vB ever again. In fact, with the recent routes Their company have been taking, you will barely ever see me support any forum using their software. They where great once. Use to be the "Standard" to get for the "premium" choice.

However, one of the largest webmaster communities have even switched and look at the amazing results:

Servers are now needing about half the resources to do the same job.

Can't go wrong there :wink:

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