These sound like excellent ideas that you do have for 2021 and I wish you all the best in them as well. I think that the gaming one can be very good and very profitable especially since the number of gamers over the last few years has increased drastically especially with people being at home they have turned more to games which can help you.I have found two business ideas, currently on my dreams right now, to finalize and make it come through. I'm planning to go with forex trading and online gaming network, just like facebook gaming network. I have researched about those two ideas, with the information I got I'm satisfied. That if I plan it very well, it will go as planned and bring me benefits in the future. I currently have an offline gaming network that I make little money with. So I'm planning to go online for the business. By developing my own live streaming app and website where i create a discussion platform about the gaming network. Share live streaming video links displaying where real world players compete with each other to determine who is the best gamer. I'm also creating a youtube channel for it, where i will share live stream videos that has to do with gaming, for people to view. I have contacted a web/software developer that can help me actualize this dream. I'm working hard to come up with the finance needed to finalize the project on my mind. I don't know if the idea will be lucrative, to drive steady passive income to me, only time will tell.
Can you share your 2021 dream business ideas that you wanna turn into reality and make real cash??
For me, I have a few ideas that I am interested in and I hope that I am able to materialize at least one of them.