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Gimp or Photoshop


Mythical member
Jan 27, 2012
Which do you use to design and why? I personally stick with Gomp, mostly because of the expense of photoshop and the fact I don't spend much time on graphics work- so I don't need it. What about you?
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I use Photoshop CS3. I used to use GIMP until I actually tried using Photoshop and from then on it was too good to be without.
I use Photoshop CS5, I've tried GIMP but i just didn't like it and considering i take a Graphics unit at College currently, PS is more suited for my needs really.
Well, you can always get Photoshop for free... It's just not... legally, haha.
It's a hard thing to see anywhere lol. I know of alot of people at my college who study graphics and went the naughty way! Including myself. :p
xpl0iter said:
Hehe, legal photoshop would be hard thing to see where I live! :p

It's so expensive that you'd find almost everyone except for proper web designers or wealthier people or clueless people use nulled.... Currently I don't though.....
i use something called photo pos pro which is freeware and supposed to be similar to photoshop - as i havent used photoshop i cannot comment but if someone else familar with it wants to take a look?
Which do you use to design and why? I personally stick with Gomp, mostly because of the expense of photoshop and the fact I don't spend much time on graphics work- so I don't need it. What about you?
Yeah, if you do not do much graphic designs, then it's recommended not to purchase PhotoShop, ;) I personally prefer PhotoShop to GIMP. I prefer PS's tools to GIMP's own. It requires you to learn everything to get started with doing more advanced work (I'm talking about non-basics). I'm still a PhotoShop newbie but I'm still improving each day I open the program, :cool:
I have used photobucket to edit existing images. Does that count? ;)
Nope. PhotoBucket isn't PhotoShop, :p
Hehe, legal photoshop would be hard thing to see where I live! :p
Ditto! ;)

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