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Would you sign an NDA to work on a forum?

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I have signed such things in the past, particularly where the forum I worked on was an internal company one that housed some of their intellectual property.

Usually, name and address is enough - if they're going to give me money they probably need that information anyway to be able to pay me unless they're paying me such a low amount it doesn't matter.
I would consider it, only because I remember the days where drama was stirred up across forums due to staff leaking information to other people. Now would I have actually signed an NDA in my youth - no way. It makes sense though, and now a days - I am unsure if it is truly as needed. However, once you realize you needed it, it would be too late. That is an interesting concept though!
yeah nah i certainly would not sign an 'NDA' to work on a forum.

Primarily as i need no longer seek work to exist in this modern global society and simply coz i'm just not motivated to do stuff for amassing more of the stupid monies.

😂And one would have to be bloody crazy to hire a severely computarded gollywog like me to work on their forum...lol.
I would be willing to sign an NDA for a forum. I have signed NDAs in the past when I was doing video game content creation as that was a requirement to become an affiliate on the site I was streaming on.

In terms of how much information I would be willing to give, I would be willing to give my name, age, country I lived in, and even my IP address is necessary along with any payment options I have if it was a paid position.
Honestly.. I have no problem signing an NDA as it is ultimately nobody else business what goes on with my "contractor". I have had to sign NDA's in the past... but one thing I always insisted on for inclusion is that it was not a violation of the NDA to report criminal behavior observed. I found it rather ironic that of several NDA's Ive had to sign over the decades, NONE of them included that provision --- and ironically one of them that I signed with showed such behavior that I had to give a statement to their activities.

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