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What you do to threads with no replies on?

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It depends.

If the topic is interesting and it just got no love from the community, I want to know why. Is it because it's from someone who is shunned or excluded and that replying to it will give it some legitimacy? Then I'll reply. It's also possible that it happened in a flood of other topics and just got overlooked - again, a quick reply to signal boost it.

But if it's from someone that I'd rather not encourage, or that it says things I'd prefer it didn't - but it isn't in contravention of any rules - I'll leave it be and let it sit and be ignored in the corner. Not every post that I just personally happen to disagree with needs active action taken.
If it's an interesting thread and the user is still active, I would bump. If it's interesting and the user has been here for a while, I'd probably repost. There are times that I read threads and don't feel like replying to them. Bad timing - I guess many of us have the same thing. So it's possible an interesting thread is being posted at that moment and is being overlooked.
Whenever I see a thread that has had no responses in any forum whether it be my forum or someone else's I will always take a look and if I am able to and the thread is still relevant, I will reply to the thread and bump it. This usually helps to get it seen and helps it gain more activity. I never do this though if it's a thread that is no longer relevant though.
I use my sock account or so to respond to it. It may not always be useful or anything, but at least it got a response even if from a sock account.
I have seen something similar to this happening on social media specifically on Facebook. There some of my friends that makes a posts and for hours or even days no one would comment on it but once I make a comment on it, others will follow up with their own comments. I would be like were they waiting for the first person to comment before they do?
I reply to topics which I know something about. There is no point in showing off or writing useless replies. If you cannot add value, simply move on. Don't let your ego get the better of you.
I reply to topics which I know something about. There is no point in showing off or writing useless replies. If you cannot add value, simply move on. Don't let your ego get the better of you.
That's categorically a spam in my books. It's definitely not a must to reply in all topics. Once you know that you have no knowledge on the subject, it's better to stay off it and not add a spam reply to it which completely derails the topic. I really hate that act.
I actually try to routinely check for threads that have 0 responses. If I'm able to provide a response then I do. If it is something I don't have much to say on the matter I do not respond, perhaps the thread is about something very specific that users don't have knowledge about. I leave it in the forum and let it stay though and if someone eventually responds with a real response then great.
If I didn't make the thread, I always try to respond to it on my board. If it's a thread I made, I used to use the bump feature when my board was on ZetaBoard's as it was an easy way to bring a topic back to attention in case people simply overlooked it or whatever, but MyBB lacks that so sometimes I will recreate the thread a few weeks later or I'll just leave it be. Depends on the thread subject as to what I do with it usually.

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