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📧 Email Services What do you use for email?

Topics about setting up and managing email services related to domain names.
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I usually use Mailgun which also means I can automate bounce handling and such like by getting notifications from MG. Also has a better chance of not being in hosting-related IP blocklists.
Just got through setting up SES for the guy I'm hosting the his site for (and bought my XF license for $25).

SES sending.png

SES processed.png

Took about 20 minutes for the actual SES setup. The longest part was getting approved by SES (which took around 1/2 a day), and that was simply waiting on the reply to the request to get out of the sandbox.
I also set him up with ZoHo on a free account that gives him 5 domain specific email accounts to use with his site.
I'm working on a guide on another site that I recently joined that I hope will help walk XenForo admins through doing the same. It probably will work with other scripts as the core setup is the same, but XenForo does email sending different so that is what I am documenting.
I just have to get all the images together and such and fine tune it as I have another admin that I am going to do the same with, so I can somewhat validate the base process I documented.
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The problem frequently with a hosting providers emails can become deliverability. All it takes (especially on shared hosting) is a few bad apples to ruin the IP reputation for the hosting services MTA. That then affects deliverability for everyone using tha hosting providers MTA service. You usually find this on the lower end hosting providers that offer "unlimited everything". Spammers and similar will grab a hosting package and for 30-45 days burn the heck out of the email sending spam until they start getting blocked.. then they move on towards the next low end hosting provider.
That's one of the reasons that places like Linode, Digitial Ocean and OVH have entire swathes of their IPs in block lists as valid email origination points.

Heck, even the mighty XenForo SaaS solution is having issues getting their mail through to Microsoft related accounts regularly.
I have found that, even though SES (the shared IPs) may be in a few block lists, using SES is fairly consistent on deliverability, even to Hotmail/Outlook/Live accounts.

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