My dad screwed around on my mother for decades (she was faithful) because that was what he was "raised" in. He also beat on his children (two sets that were 15 years apart) and he was a drunkard, almost burning the house down several times, only saved by us children that he despised. The ONLY child that he liked was the one that ended up "being" like him, and that child beat on his wife and children and cheated on her regularly, resulting in a divorce and the children avoiding their father until very recently, when they realized how much property/funds he has.He felt bad, I could tell. He had regrets, I didn't shove any of them down his throat, and I think it's what gave him peace in the end.
I have NO "forgiveness" for him, and honestly believe he's justly roasting away in hell now.. and honestly, his passing was painful for him. I simply look at it as Karma coming home and biting him in the ass. The irony... about the last year of his life he actually realized what a sack of shit he was and tried to make up for it.
Did I speak with him during his life? Yep. Did I "help" him when I was able? Yep... but no more so than I would any other living being. He held NO special place in my heart - due to his self-centered concerns.