Captain Junkie
Consider writing a business plan for your side business using realistic numbers from your history.
Set realistic goals and priorities.
Can you afford to live on that income as it is today? What about benefits? You'll have to replace those that your current employer provides.
Sit down with your financial planner and tax consultants to get their insights.
Identify the team you will go to for support--accountability partners if you will.
Think about all the advice your receiving, assess what is appropriate and then make your decision based on your needs, your plans, your priorities.
Set realistic goals and priorities.
Can you afford to live on that income as it is today? What about benefits? You'll have to replace those that your current employer provides.
Sit down with your financial planner and tax consultants to get their insights.
Identify the team you will go to for support--accountability partners if you will.
Think about all the advice your receiving, assess what is appropriate and then make your decision based on your needs, your plans, your priorities.