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Ban bypassing?

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I’m sorry, but I refuse to call out names of users in public.
I don't... act like an idiot in public.. get called out on it. In fact, even the XF staff has admitted they are given special dispensation because of what appears to be mental issues.
I'll GLADLY admit I showed my ass over there (and it was specifically targeted to get a response)... but guess what.. it apparently was one aspect that FINALLY got the XF staff to get off their thumbs and post responses (even if they were somewhat vacuous). Some of us are willing to "take the bullet" (ergo my thread bans over there of an indeterminate period since I "pissed them off") to force developers to move forward and interact.. then you have those like the named that are simply idiotic in the majority of their posts... like... confusing astronomy with astrology.
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Many forums call out people they ban. Many of the bigger off topic forums call them out.

I probably wouldn't practice it myself but it definitely isn't unheard of.

Bypassing the ban is probably grounds for being call out though, IMO, I mean you're asking for something at the point.
Many forums call out people they ban. Many of the bigger off topic forums call them out.

I probably wouldn't practice it myself but it definitely isn't unheard of.

Bypassing the ban is probably grounds for being call out though, IMO, I mean you're asking for something at the point.
Of course, I just mean to say it’s not nice to call someone out in public on another forum, because imagine if the member was to join this forum and read all this.
Many forums call out people they ban. Many of the bigger off topic forums call them out.
Personally.. I don't "buy into" the "calling them out" aspect from the admin viewpoint. Simply give them a banner that their account can fly.
Calling them out on the site in a post.. full-bore.
I for one, freely admit that I sometimes show my "ass" to get a point across. And I also know that it sometimes comes with a "bullet" for doing such.

Of course, I just mean to say it’s not nice to call someone out in public on another forum, because imagine if the member was to join this forum and read all this.
Act l like an idiot constantly... be expected to be called out on it. That one particular user has caused "many" negative interactions with long term XF license holders that are WAY more knowledgeable than them that bring benefit to the XF site... but apparently the XF staff still seems to give an "out" because of that users mental issues. Guess what.. others may have 'mental issues' that they don't fall back on as a crutch.
Personally.. I don't "buy into" the "calling them out" aspect from the admin viewpoint. Simply give them a banner that their account can fly.
Calling them out on the site in a post.. full-bore.
I for one, freely admit that I sometimes show my "ass" to get a point across. And I also know that it sometimes comes with a "bullet" for doing such.

Act l like an idiot constantly... be expected to be called out on it. That one particular user has caused "many" negative interactions with long term XF license holders that are WAY more knowledgeable than them that bring benefit to the XF site... but apparently the XF staff still seems to give an "out" because of that users mental issues. Guess what.. others may have 'mental issues' that they don't fall back on as a crutch.
I’m sorry but everyone’s mental issues are different and these mental issue impact everyone differently.

Some people have “invisible disabilities”. I wish they had the same understanding as visible disabilities. People simply process information differently. Everyone is different and we need to be respectful of that.

I don’t think it’s special treatment. I think it’s being respectful and accommodating towards those with mental issues or invisible conditions for staff to simply say to everyone involved to stop bickering. I like their moderation style of attempting to defuse the situation.
I don’t think it’s special treatment. I think it’s being respectful and accommodating towards those with mental issues or invisible conditions for staff to simply say to everyone involved to stop bickering. I like their moderation style of attempting to defuse the situation.
Even those with "mental issues" need to be held to a standard. Giving leeway to those with such is not a level playing field. If they can't play by everyone elses rules.. then they simply can't play.
They kicked you fair and square in the nuts because you chose to be an arsehole on their forum.
They acted because I had to be an ass to actually get shit done from them. You notice how after that shit-storm was stirred up, they actually responded after months of ignoring the elephant in the room? Pretty sure I've been a MUCH more active (and beneficial) participant over there than you have EVER been.
Sometimes one has to be an ass to get stuff moving.. .but you are simply a frigging idiot at a base level, proofed by almost every post you make over there.
That's been shown time and time again by your comments... you simply do NOT know what you are talking about, but spout out of your ass.
Hint... astronomy and astrology are NOT the same thing. That seems to be a recurring issue with you, speaking on what you have no knowledge of.
Astronomy deals with stuff like this



Astrology deals with the movement of the above as it deals with it's influence upon human affairs.


Not ANYWHERE in the same wheelhouse. One is based upon science.. the other based upon "magic".
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SAbout time you grew up and start showing some respect.
Respect isn't given.. it's earned.. and you are FAR away from earning such.
Live with it.
Your posts show a repeated lack of knowledge (or is it simply stupidity?) in the topic(s) you participate in. Once you can carry on a valid and knowledgeable conversation.. you may progress.

Some advice - be minimal with the prefixes and sort your shit out with the categories
Some BETTER advice.. learn to use what you have to the maximum and not "I need more nodes for EVERY topic".
It's been WELL known for years that having nodes that have no posts in them but shown on to the user are detrimental.
But YOU seem to think that having 32 nodes, many of which may be empty of topics is better than having ONE node that has hundreds of topics using 32 prefixes for specificity is the better option... that should tell any competent admin your level of <in>competence.
Some of us actually KNOW how to use XF to its maximum benefit.. others pretend to. Guess which position you belong to?
You see... some of us actually gain users regularly.. how many are you up to now.. maybe 6 (with 2 or 3 of those pretend users)?
I gained WELL more than that many in a few days simply by offering a download (direct from my site) in XFRM that many were hunting for that is specific to my niche.

Screen Shot 2023-08-14 at 7.37.46 AM.png

In a 7 day period (from Google Analytics)

Screen Shot 2023-08-14 at 7.34.00 AM.png

Resulted in numerous new users signing up.

So to the staff on here please watch this dude who seems to be an abusive piece of shit towards those who have mental health issues and hidden disibilities.
Pot.. meet kettle.. in fact, it has been CLEARLY stated over on the XF site that the ONLY reason you get away with what you do is because of your "issues".
Some of us simply refuse to put up with blatant stupidity.. which you regularly show no matter your "issues". Your <in>competence is in full view by almost every post you make.
Guess what.. some of us actually have disabilities.. but we don't use them as a crutch as you so desperately seem to do.
Some of us, due to our career paths, have resulted in us regularly dealing with the "mentally challenged".. but once we are out of that career we don't have to "massage" your needs (and no, I don't give a crap about your "feelers").
And just as a note, I was in law enforcement for many years, and dealt with many that had "learning issues" as my mother was a teacher for students that were "developmentally impaired" (referred to at the time as Special Education students) and I regularly visited them and helped them to integrate into society and dealing with authority figures, since the "Police" were a constant threat used by parents to control them. And I told them the same thing I am telling you... because you are "special" you get no "free passes". You simply need to learn to play in the same playing field as the rest of society and if you get slapped, deal with it as an adult and contemplate WHY you got slapped.

BTW, I see you are on the same "angry reaction" kick over here that you suffer from over on the XF site... see a constant there?
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Respect isn't given.. it's earned.. and you are FAR away from earning such.
Live with it.
Your posts show a repeated lack of knowledge (or is it simply stupidity?) in the topic(s) you participate in. Once you can carry on a valid and knowledgeable conversation.. you may progress.

Some BETTER advice.. learn to use what you have to the maximum and not "I need more nodes for EVERY topic".
It's been WELL known for years that having nodes that have no posts in them but shown on to the user are detrimental.
But YOU seem to think that having 32 nodes, many of which may be empty of topics is better than having ONE node that has hundreds of topics using 32 prefixes for specificity is the better option... that should tell any competent admin your level of <in>competence.
Some of us actually KNOW how to use XF to its maximum benefit.. others pretend to. Guess which position you belong to?
You see... some of us actually gain users regularly.. how many are you up to now.. maybe 6 (with 2 or 3 of those pretend users)?
I gained WELL more than that many in a few days simply by offering a download (direct from my site) in XFRM that many were hunting for that is specific to my niche.

View attachment 150

In a 7 day period (from Google Analytics)

View attachment 149

Resulted in numerous new users signing up.

Pot.. meet kettle.. in fact, it has been CLEARLY stated over on the XF site that the ONLY reason you get away with what you do is because of your "issues".
Some of us simply refuse to put up with blatant stupidity.. which you regularly show no matter your "issues". Your <in>competence is in full view by almost every post you make.
Guess what.. some of us actually have disabilities.. but we don't use them as a crutch.
Some of us, due to our career paths, have resulted in us regularly dealing with the "mentally challenged".. but once we are out of that career we don't have to "massage" your needs (and no, I don't give a crap about your "feelers").
And just as a note, I was in law enforcement for many years, and dealt with many that had "learning issues" as my mother was a teacher for students that were "developmentally impaired" (referred to at the time as Special Education students) and I regularly visited them and helped them to integrate into society and dealing with authority figures, since the "Police" were a constant threat used by parents to control them. And I told them the same thing I am telling you... because you are "special" you get no "free passes". You simply need to learn to play in the same playing field as the rest of society and if you get slapped, deal with it as an adult and contemplate WHY you got slapped.

BTW, I see you are on the same "angry reaction" kick over here that you suffer from over on the XF site... see a constant there?
Whatever the case that’s no excuse for you to throw abuse at @aussiefooty . No such thing as a stupid question . No one is perfect and can be good at everything .Also, you’re not a moderator at XF - acting like one is immature IMO.
Whatever the case that’s no excuse for you to throw abuse at @aussiefooty . No such thing as a stupid question . No one is perfect and can be good at everything .Also, you’re not a moderator at XF - acting like one is immature IMO.
Yes.. there is such a thing as a "stupid" question.. when it's already been answered elsewhere and one tends/trends to ignore the answer... albeit YOU may not be aware of said answer(s) that were provided. Others that are familiar with the individual in question may have MORE data than you do.

And I don't claim to be a moderator at XF... but the simple fact is... I can still call out stupidity, as can anyone with evidence. You see, the person in question has a VALID history of <ab>using the "angry" reaction when they get upset (which is a regular action as shown on this very site) in addition to talking out of their arse about stuff they READILY have no working knowledge of by their very posting history.
It's one of the reasons that I commented on the specific fact that very reaction should NOT be available on the XF site.

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Yes.. there is such a thing as a "stupid" question.. when it's already been answered elsewhere and one tends/trends to ignore the answer... albeit YOU may not be aware of said answer(s) that were provided. Others that are familiar with the individual in question may have MORE data than you do.

And I don't claim to be a moderator at XF... but the simple fact is... I can still call out stupidity, as can anyone with evidence. You see, the person in question has a VALID history of <ab>using the "angry" reaction when they get upset (which is a regular action as shown on this very site) in addition to talking out of their arse about stuff they READILY have no working knowledge of by their very posting history.
It's one of the reasons that I commented on the specific fact that very reaction should NOT be available on the XF site.

Why can’t we be helpful instead of mocking members? 🤗
Why can’t we be helpful instead of mocking members? 🤗
We are helpful.. but certain members tend to ignore advice, thinking "their" attitude is the correct one.. ergo the basic need to do research of the poster prior to taking any "advice" from them.
In this case, the person in question has lengthy documented history of problematic suggestions/comments at other sites that are diametrically opposed to reality.
We are helpful.. but certain members tend to ignore advice, thinking "their" attitude is the correct one.. ergo the basic need to do research of the poster prior to taking any "advice" from them.
In this case, the person in question has lengthy documented history of problematic suggestions/comments at other sites that are diametrically opposed to reality.
We can correct ppl without being rude. At the end of the day, what they do is their choice and while we may disagree, we should respect this.
We can correct ppl without being rude. At the end of the day, what they do is their choice and while we may disagree, we should respect this.
But we reach a point where being "polite" serves no purpose since it is ignored by the targeted individual (who tends/trends to fail to deal with reality) and one needs to be simply slapped into the reality of where the rest of us reside.
Some of us have dealt (at length) with the stupidity of a certain persons posts on WELL more than this site.
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We can correct ppl without being rude. At the end of the day, what they do is their choice and while we may disagree, we should respect this.
Specifically with the person you're referring to, I've tried correcting without being rude, all I got was high-horse responses as if she knew better.

I did in fact respond un-rude and un-negative, but I got back rude responses. It's a two way street. You can't act one way, and cry foul to others responding back the same.

I get the strong impression if I tried to correct her, not only does she use the angry emoji react on me, but I'd get banned as well if it was on her forum.
No need for you to be rude as well when giving people advice.
In fact just giving advice when all you want to do really is abuse and poke fun at all the time because i happen to be completely different to you. Means this, you're simply not diverse and are in fact a bigot.

Where i come from i will ask for advice. I don't need to be given advice because yoy think i'm a fucking idiot, because you'd be wrong.

I'm not being rude, I'm just calling it as it is.

But when you say:
Where i come from i will ask for advice. I don't need to be given advice because yoy think i'm a fucking idiot, because you'd be wrong.

This goes both ways. We can use @Tracy as an example, did he ask for your advice about the prefixes? Because it seems you're giving your advice to him because you think he's an idiot.

You cry foul to how you're treated, and yet you treat others the exact same way you don't want to be treated.

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