You’ll likely need to decide on your business structure to apply for any applicable business licenses. It might also influence your business name. And also the form of business for example
Sole Proprietorship
A sole Proprietorship is the simplest type of business. If your state doesn’t require a business license for your type of business then essentially you can say you have a sole proprietorship tomorrow. By doing so any business income you make is filed against your personal taxes after subtracting out self employment tax and business expenses
You may consider a Partnership if your business will be owned by multiple people. There are two types of potential partners. One are the general partners, these run the business and as a result hold the liabilities of the business like a sole proprietorship. Limited partners can also be added, they serve only as investors and thus have less liability.
In this situation the company and the people are separate. Similar to a company on the stock exchange the owners and the company activities are separated. In fact this configuration can even issue stock if desired. The big differences here are the taxes, debt, liabilities, and revenue are all considered the corporations. Only those funds explicitly paid out to an owner are the owners.