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XenForo 2.3 preview

Lord... you would think after 3-4 BETA releases and what was it, 6 or 7 RC releases, the upgrade path for the "stable" version of XenForo 2.3 would be a little better than what it is. Already bugs found that "will be fixed in the next release".
As I mentioned in prior posts... this is one reason that I will not be upgrading to 2.3 quickly. I would prefer a few point releases come out so that they can get the bugs fixed that were not found in their BETA/RC release period.

Of course, it does not help that at least one "important" 3rd party developer still does not have their add-ons that provide important usability extensions to the simplistic XenForo offerings ready for 2.3. From purveying the site as a guest that appears to be hitting a lot of people and either resulting in them not upgrading or upgrading to a downgrade offering a less capable ability to just be running the new XenForo version.

And to think... at one point in the not so distant past the XenForo cheerleaders used to laugh at Invision for releases like this. Could the 2.3 release been a little rushed?

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Where was that at?
Yeah maybe they didn't get enough testers or something. The bugs really started showing up when everyone started upgrading.
It was a comment made by Slavik over on the XenForo site. I thought it was rather ironic honestly. Here you have a script that actually has it implemented and showing it and then XenForo staff inferring that they copied XenForo, who has nothing (other than words) to show for it and who made some veiled hints that most paid no attention to.
That was supported (indirectly) by comments from a few other of the staff over there. It's one of the "less nicer" changes that have come about with the staff over there.

As for the bugs.... if they didn't have that many people using the RC (compared to previous releases), you have to wonder why (other than add-ons not being updated). But generally in the past, when the RCs hit about release 2 or 3 folks would actually be running it on live sites.
And for some of those bugs that are showing up, they could be show stoppers for a site considering that some of them deal with paid upgrades.
I really don't recommend anyone upgrading currently unless you run a bare bones site and don't mind dealing with bugs. But the problem they have is without it being used live on different sites it will be hard to find the bugs in their stable release.
We should be applauding those who are willing and able to upgrade early to XF 2.3 and battle testing the release. If nobody upgraded, then no testing would be done 🙂.

As a side note, it does make me feel significantly better that the choice in editor, made independently by either company, ended up as the same choice TipTap. Whichever software you use, it's a strong recommendation of TipTap either way. It'll be interesting to see if or how the two companies might develop and evolve the editor.
We should be applauding those who are willing and able to upgrade early to XF 2.3 and battle testing the release. If nobody upgraded, then no testing would be done 🙂.
Yep.... but for many they really would prefer not to be BETA testers for a program.
I can especially see that on sites that the admin/owner have monetized and depend on it for an income source. In my younger days (and when I really cared more about supporting XenForo) I would have probably already been running the current "stable" release. But I do have better things to do with my time now, like watching paint dry. :devilish:

It is rather a catch-22 situation as if it doesn't get used widely on sites the bugs can't be found quickly. But then you have the fact that some of those bugs that are present are show-stoppers for some.
I have to wonder how it's affecting their version upgrade rate, especially if the admins take the time to actually research what is needed.
That is one of the things that I'm not crazy about the notice they give in the ACP.

Screen Shot 2024-07-09 at 6.04.53 PM.png

You have to wonder how many admins simply click on that without checking add-on compatibility or any special steps required and then end up with a borked system. They really need to link to the release thread (at the least) to give some information to the admin other than "Hey, click here and upgrade your site right now". I've never used their upgrade process for any more than point releases and that was after checking for any incompatibilities - which they have made harder for me.
It might be an interesting experiment for me to spawn a development site up and then do that and see what all breaks.
It was a comment made by Slavik over on the XenForo site. I thought it was rather ironic honestly. Here you have a script that actually has it implemented and showing it and then XenForo staff inferring that they copied XenForo, who has nothing (other than words) to show for it and who made some veiled hints that most paid no attention to.
That was supported (indirectly) by comments from a few other of the staff over there. It's one of the "less nicer" changes that have come about with the staff over there.

You totally missed the meaning. Slavik wasn't trying to say IPB copied XF. If anything he complimented IPB by hinting that XF 3.0 will end up using the same one.

The editor of choice for 3.0 was not yet known and the XF staff were dropping hints about it.

It might be an interesting experiment for me to spawn a development site up and then do that and see what all breaks.

Yup you should spin one up so we can all see what breaks and have a good laugh.
You totally missed the meaning. Slavik wasn't trying to say IPB copied XF. If anything he complimented IPB by hinting that XF 3.0 will end up using the same one.
No, that's not what he was implying. That may be what you think, but when you state that
Well as they say, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.
it's fairly easy to see what he meant, especially when reviewing his prior sarcastic posting style.
He is saying that Invision is copying THEM. It's referred to a backhand compliment. You really have to try to twist the words around to get any other implication from it.
Even if Invision did get a "hint" from XF developers and looked at it... who's got a product out there first to show with it implemented and who is still talking about it and saying "we thought if of it first"? 😉
There is an old saying... you snooze, you loose.

Yup you should spin one up so we can all see what breaks and have a good laugh.
If I have time... currently working on helping a local medical clinic get their website up and going (they are using a 3rd party that is not familiar with the software and I'm trying to avoid doing it myself).
Then got several products in for the site I'm working on evaluations/reviews on as weather allows. Last night was typical, was forecast to be overly cloudy... turned out to be a nice night so had to scramble to set the equipment up in the dark.
Then I'm also trying to generate content on a 3rd party XenForo support site, like working on thread on how to implement SES with it.
So I have higher priority things I'm working on.
Yup you should spin one up so we can all see what breaks and have a good laugh.
Just wanted to follow up... after reading as a guest over on XenForo, it's apparent that there is no need to do this.
The bug reports continue to flood in on the 2.3 "stable" release and folks that are having issues are steadily posting on the site.
Just makes me happy that right now I can't upgrade since XF has me blocked from accessing 3rd party add-ons that are only available from their site.
But that may get resolved soon... either by them making adjustments or a UK governmental agency being brought into the mix that has jurisdiction over circumstances like that.
I really feel sorry for Xon. Seems they are having a lot of "fun" trying to get all their add-ons 2.3 compatible. His add-ons are the prime ones I use 3rd party to extend base feature-sets offered by XenForo of core functions, so until his add-ons are 2.3 compatible I can't upgrade anyway.
I think there are quite a few others in the same boat, which is honestly rather surprising with the lengthy BETA/RC period that 2.3 ran this round.
Why did XF block you from accessing 3rd party add-ons?
By a total site ban. Made them unhappy with the way I was "aggressively" going after them about stuff... some of which held to show to be true after the BETA/RC cycle of 2.3.
The purpose of the ban is punishment to keep you from posting any more, but it also affects your ability to download resources that are only available there. I really am not interested at all in posting over there. Access to XFRM is what IS important since many of the add-ons are only distributed through the official XFRM channel.
Most of mine I currently get direct from the 3rd party developers site (since most of them are paid add-ons), but there are a few that are sole-sourced at XF.
They made a change and I have access to XFRM, so I'm happy now as I very seldom was seeking assistance over there but giving it - and the few times I did ask none of the inquiries were ever answered and I figured the issue out on my own.
Gives me a LOT more time to do stuff on my site and pursue my hobby.
By a total site ban. Made them unhappy with the way I was "aggressively" going after them about stuff... some of which held to show to be true after the BETA/RC cycle of 2.3.
The purpose of the ban is punishment to keep you from posting any more, but it also affects your ability to download resources that are only available there. I really am not interested at all in posting over there. Access to XFRM is what IS important since many of the add-ons are only distributed through the official XFRM channel.
Most of mine I currently get direct from the 3rd party developers site (since most of them are paid add-ons), but there are a few that are sole-sourced at XF.
They made a change and I have access to XFRM, so I'm happy now as I very seldom was seeking assistance over there but giving it - and the few times I did ask none of the inquiries were ever answered and I figured the issue out on my own.
Gives me a LOT more time to do stuff on my site and pursue my hobby.
Well you did often get under their nails. 😂
Well you did often get under their nails. 😂
If you are a business owner and you can't take heated criticism... it's time to find a business in which you don't have to deal with the public. I'm not here to worship them or blow smoke up their arse like many of their license holders do. With some of them, it's almost like being a member of a cult. The fact that someone that has worked with many other license holders on resolving issues got as "hot under the collar" as I did should have told them something. And the funny thing is, I was the vocal one, but there are many others that sat back and would not say anything but had the same issues/questions.
But as I commented, it is funny how many of the things I was complaining about have actually come to fruition. And I think that may also have been part of the problem.
The other script developers are working on stuff that brings benefit to the daily users of the script and the XenForo attitude is "well, that can be done by third party developers if you need it". XenForo talks about how they made it easier for 3rd party developers, and that's great. But they need to show as much concern for their license holders and those license holders site users. Not everyone wants to run a ton of add-ons to bring what they consider core requirements to their site.
Heck, just look at the issues folks are having right now with upgrades. Much of that because of the dependency upon those third party add-ons. And I'm seeing substantial number of people even commenting that the 2.3 upgrade is not worth pursuing right now because of that and the fact that it still has a LOT of bugs for a "stable" release.
The Social Groups/Clubs is one of the classic cases. Been requested for years, and is one of the higher ranked suggestions. But the Rah-Rah boys yell "we don't want it because it adds to the core and slows it down".... never mind it could be done as a 1st party add-on just like XFRM and XFMG are and they would not be forced to use it. And I don't hear them complaining about those.
The additional problem with being dependent on 3rd party developers to make your script work like it should or offer competitive features is those 3rd party developers have a habit of leaving the ecosphere and then your license holders get stuck out.
And to say "well, XenForo is a forum script" is a cop out as they already offer 1st party add-ons to extend it beyond that. The reality is that in todays world, a simple "forum script" isn't going to cut the mustard. Those that think it will need to lay down the crack/meth pipe and come back to the reality known as 2024 and leave the late 90's early 2000's.

Xenforo is a great script... but it could be a LOT better if the developers would become more concerned with giving their license holders what their users benefit from and get out of their "developer only" mindset. An example of this is if you are going to scavenge someones 3rd party add-on to roll into your system, you should offer, at the least, the same benefits that 3rd party add-on does.... not pare it down to a minimal feature-set like they have a history of doing and then saying "well, if you need more get a 3rd party developer to give it to you".
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If you are a business owner and you can't take heated criticism... it's time to find a business in which you don't have to deal with the public. I'm not here to worship them or blow smoke up their arse like many of their license holders do. With some of them, it's almost like being a member of a cult. The fact that someone that has worked with many other license holders on resolving issues got as "hot under the collar" as I did should have told them something. And the funny thing is, I was the vocal one, but there are many others that sat back and would not say anything but had the same issues/questions.
But as I commented, it is funny how many of the things I was complaining about have actually come to fruition. And I think that may also have been part of the problem.
The other script developers are working on stuff that brings benefit to the daily users of the script and the XenForo attitude is "well, that can be done by third party developers if you need it". XenForo talks about how they made it easier for 3rd party developers, and that's great. But they need to show as much concern for their license holders and those license holders site users. Not everyone wants to run a ton of add-ons to bring what they consider core requirements to their site.
Heck, just look at the issues folks are having right now with upgrades. Much of that because of the dependency upon those third party add-ons. And I'm seeing substantial number of people even commenting that the 2.3 upgrade is not worth pursuing right now because of that and the fact that it still has a LOT of bugs for a "stable" release.
The Social Groups/Clubs is one of the classic cases. Been requested for years, and is one of the higher ranked suggestions. But the Rah-Rah boys yell "we don't want it because it adds to the core and slows it down".... never mind it could be done as a 1st party add-on just like XFRM and XFMG are and they would not be forced to use it. And I don't hear them complaining about those.
The additional problem with being dependent on 3rd party developers to make your script work like it should or offer competitive features is those 3rd party developers have a habit of leaving the ecosphere and then your license holders get stuck out.
And to say "well, XenForo is a forum script" is a cop out as they already offer 1st party add-ons to extend it beyond that. The reality is that in todays world, a simple "forum script" isn't going to cut the mustard. Those that think it will need to lay down the crack/meth pipe and come back to the reality known as 2024 and leave the late 90's early 2000's.

Xenforo is a great script... but it could be a LOT better if the developers would become more concerned with giving their license holders what their users benefit from and get out of their "developer only" mindset. An example of this is if you are going to scavenge someones 3rd party add-on to roll into your system, you should offer, at the least, the same benefits that 3rd party add-on does.... not pare it down to a minimal feature-set like they have a history of doing and then saying "well, if you need more get a 3rd party developer to give it to you".
You don’t need to write down a whole column. It’s obvious your POV will never change. And that’s ok. But you need to realize that you often blow everything up where it shouldn’t be blown up. You tend to go in arguments all the time that aren’t worth it. That’s ok. But you need to carry the consequences too then.

The 3rd party market is not something you are entitled to as a license holder. It’s an extra. And if you can’t behave then that’s on you. Not them. XF doesn’t bad that easily, so you’re given much chances before that. I’m just saying. I respect you Tracy, but sometimes you need to calm down. Or carry the consequences.
If you are a business owner and you can't take heated criticism... it's time to find a business in which you don't have to deal with the public. I'm not here to worship them or blow smoke up their arse like many of their license holders do. With some of them, it's almost like being a member of a cult. The fact that someone that has worked with many other license holders on resolving issues got as "hot under the collar" as I did should have told them something. And the funny thing is, I was the vocal one, but there are many others that sat back and would not say anything but had the same issues/questions.
But as I commented, it is funny how many of the things I was complaining about have actually come to fruition. And I think that may also have been part of the problem.
The other script developers are working on stuff that brings benefit to the daily users of the script and the XenForo attitude is "well, that can be done by third party developers if you need it". XenForo talks about how they made it easier for 3rd party developers, and that's great. But they need to show as much concern for their license holders and those license holders site users. Not everyone wants to run a ton of add-ons to bring what they consider core requirements to their site.
Heck, just look at the issues folks are having right now with upgrades. Much of that because of the dependency upon those third party add-ons. And I'm seeing substantial number of people even commenting that the 2.3 upgrade is not worth pursuing right now because of that and the fact that it still has a LOT of bugs for a "stable" release.
The Social Groups/Clubs is one of the classic cases. Been requested for years, and is one of the higher ranked suggestions. But the Rah-Rah boys yell "we don't want it because it adds to the core and slows it down".... never mind it could be done as a 1st party add-on just like XFRM and XFMG are and they would not be forced to use it. And I don't hear them complaining about those.
The additional problem with being dependent on 3rd party developers to make your script work like it should or offer competitive features is those 3rd party developers have a habit of leaving the ecosphere and then your license holders get stuck out.
And to say "well, XenForo is a forum script" is a cop out as they already offer 1st party add-ons to extend it beyond that. The reality is that in todays world, a simple "forum script" isn't going to cut the mustard. Those that think it will need to lay down the crack/meth pipe and come back to the reality known as 2024 and leave the late 90's early 2000's.

Xenforo is a great script... but it could be a LOT better if the developers would become more concerned with giving their license holders what their users benefit from and get out of their "developer only" mindset. An example of this is if you are going to scavenge someones 3rd party add-on to roll into your system, you should offer, at the least, the same benefits that 3rd party add-on does.... not pare it down to a minimal feature-set like they have a history of doing and then saying "well, if you need more get a 3rd party developer to give it to you".
It's like that comic that was on the internet at some point.

On one side someone said "I have to say something" and on the other side "I have something to say".

This was definitely an "I *have* to say something" response to Cedric's one liner. Sometimes caring a little less in life goes a very long way.
you tend to go in arguments all the time that aren’t worth it. That’s ok. But you need to carry the consequences too then.
The 3rd party market is not something you are entitled to as a license holder. It’s an extra. And if you can’t behave then that’s on you. Not them. XF doesn’t bad that easily, so you’re given much chances before that. I’m just saying. I respect you Tracy, but sometimes you need to calm down. Or carry the consequences.

Standing up for your POV is always worth it... otherwise how do things change.

And that's why I really don't care about not having posting ability over there. As for that aspect, that is entirely within their rights and I have no issues with that (and no desire to even return to posting if that was lifted). It's why I now do my help over at another site. Over there they aren't really worried whether your banned, license is active or anything else. Their intent is to provide help to anyone asking for it. The one thing they will not put up with is advertising software that is ripped off or bragging/broadcasting the fact that you are running a pirated copy of something.
Recently had a user join over there from the XenForo site that Brandon referred them it to get some help with bounce handling that apparently was not getting answered over on the XF site. And it was a fairly easy question to answer.

The distribution of sole-source add-ons only on your site and prohibiting your valid license users from accessing them can present problems for any developer. Usually there is a regulatory agency with most countries that deal with that kind of stuff.
So yes, if you push 3rd party add-ons to extend your script/program (which they do by their statements) and your site is a sole source for those scripts (some which are paid versions) and denying access to those scripts directly affect the use of it (monetary impact) there are regulatory agencies that deal with that, especially in the UK.
And that issue was resolved as they granted XFRM access.

This was definitely an "I *have* to say something" response to Cedric's one liner. Sometimes caring a little less in life goes a very long way.
Just because a post is a one line post doesn't mean that any reply has to be the same.
Yes, I could split it into a lot of different posts... but why? This post is an example. Not all the text written is a direct reply to a quote. And clarification is always nice.. it helps to answer unasked/other questions.
Not everyone over here is active over on the XenForo site, so sometimes some clarification is beneficial.
I also used to be an apologist/excuse maker for XenForo... but finally got tired of their line of BS that they kept shoveling out and never seeing any action on.

But sometimes you care too much about something and hate to see the people involved not shooting themselves in the foot, but blowing their entire foot off. And XenForo seems to be going down that road when it comes to giving the license holders what they need to help their users, and I really hate to see that as technically XenForo has usually been one of the better offerings in the forum script world. Where it has begun to lack is end user (site members) benefits. I laugh my ass off every time I see one of the rah-rah boys talk about how much cheaper XF is than competitors... that is, until you start having to add all those 3rd party paid add-ons into the mix to get them near what their competitors offer. 🙄
If all you want to offer is a forum with bare-bones utility then it's great. If you want to offer what it actually takes to survive as a "forum" in the world today, it takes a lot more than some simple place to post. That's one reason you find a lot of forum owners talking about how forums are dying. In a forum only format comparison, there are better places to go that are easier to post on/use than a forum. And that's where the crowds tend to go, especially the younger ones. You have to bring "extras" to the mix to get them interested in participation. I hate it, but "gamification" is popular amongst many of that group.... and it is something that other scripts are implementing in core.

Someone please remind us... exactly how many improvements (user related) did XFMG, XFES or XFRM receive in this latest "major" update? How many actual end user improvements were offered in any aspect of this recent update compared to developer related improvements?
I understand that they have promised to do user based improvements in the future... but actions speak louder than words, and their promises seem to fall by the wayside or take an extensive time to come to fruition lately. They have, for as long as I have used the script, been more concerned with developer related improvements and not so much with things that directly affect the every day use of their offering from an end user viewpoint. When Chris and the others came on board, I hoped to see that change, but it pretty much remained the same.

The sad thing is that it took as long as it's taken to get 2.3 into the world and it still has as many bugs/issues in it that it does. That is not a normal XenForo release result. So something was off, as 2.3 was not claimed to be a major upgrade and past history never reflected this number of bugs in a "stable" release. There is a reason that many are not rushing to upgrade to 2.3, especially those that have had to make use of those 3rd party developers to get their site to what their users like using. I have seen posts by several that were usually "first-in" on a new release postponing upgrading.
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And the progression of bug reports continue... it really looks like Xenforo 2.3 release was REALLY poorly planned.
It is a sad state of affairs when compared to previous releases... it's almost like "Let's throw 2.3 out there to save us because we screwed the pooch" aspect.
And does this position probably piss the XF developers off (especially Chris Deemiing).. probably...do I care? Not a whit. They are so screwed up from an end-user aspect that it is hilarious.
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