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What moved you to go XenForo?


Oct 22, 2016
It's been a while since Xenforo was introduced and became the shiny object that everybody was talking about. Updates have come for it and other companies have also upped their game with their competing forum software.

Some might have decided to try it funding a community straight away and some waited first before deciding to migrate their community and use it. What's your story?

For me, a lot of it was luck. I moved my community outside foroactivo (forumotion) and had them on myBB through free hosting, it all was fine for around a year. In the meanwhile, I entered a raffle in another community and I won a free XenForo license. I was very happy yet intimidated. When I flunked the community due to a rookie mistake, I decided I cared for it enough to make it worth go all the way with it, so I decided to pay for proper hosting and use the license.

I think not having to spend for the license was what pushed me. I wasn't expecting to pay for some of the add-ons but I am used to it and I think it is fair, considering how many developers are very prompt to answer and help you out, that said, there are also a good amount of very good free ones.

Anywho, that's my story. What's yours?
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Xenforo was the brain child of one of the main vBulletin developers. VB 3.8 was the absolute shit... amazing piece of forum software.

Apparently the guy who founded Xenforo was part of the team cooking up VB4 - and it was supposed to be the second coming of jesus christ.

Then, the company that owned VB (Jelsoft maybe?) got sold, I think to Vertical Scope... who was an automotive advertising company that had something like 700 automotive forums which they sold ads at scale to car companies. VB4 development got hijacked, it turned into an unmitigated disaster, effecitively ruining forums and the guy who cried when this happened quit and started Xenforo with the vision of what VB should have been.

I followed that guy and never looked back.
Xenforo was the brain child of one of the main vBulletin developers. VB 3.8 was the absolute shit... amazing piece of forum software.

Apparently the guy who founded Xenforo was part of the team cooking up VB4 - and it was supposed to be the second coming of jesus christ.

Then, the company that owned VB (Jelsoft maybe?) got sold, I think to Vertical Scope... who was an automotive advertising company that had something like 700 automotive forums which they sold ads at scale to car companies. VB4 development got hijacked, it turned into an unmitigated disaster, effecitively ruining forums and the guy who cried when this happened quit and started Xenforo with the vision of what VB should have been.

I followed that guy and never looked back.
I believe I just shed a tear, XenForo master race!

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