True, marketing is not easy. But it is the most fulfilling job if done properly. Once you learn the ropes in marketing, nothing will every be a problem in ones personal life and business. Because all business, including personal relationships and intimacy, is pegged on marketing.Marketing is definitely not an easy job and you require good skills in order to market your product in a great manner. You just cannot promote your product easily when there is so much competition. So what is the most difficult aspect of marketing you have to deal with?
The toughest thing i face in marketing is dealing with hard-to-understand people. These are people who will say your product is bad, and yet they haven't even tried it out.
What i always do is to keep following them up. Researching more on them. If i see they have the potential of buying or using my product, i make sure i give them a free sample and wait for their feedback. Most of such clients are now my repeat clients.