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What is difficult to design for you?


Mythical member
Jan 31, 2012
For myself, I find designing custom shapes with the pen tool a right royal pain. One day I shall master it though! What about you? What about designing do you find difficult?
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Custom designs with the help of pen tool are one thing, I think I will never be able to do.
Another stuff I find very difficult to do is, sorting out the colour combinations.
That damn pen tool drives me crazy... I typically stick to typography based elements or things that can be done with preexisting shapes. Work with what you got.
Right now nothing, since I'm in the business for more than 10 years. I used to have problems with getting some logo design done, but now it's easier, the moment I have more experience with it. Of course, if I have the 'creative block', anything is hard to design :D
Right now nothing, since I'm in the business for more than 10 years. I used to have problems with getting some logo design done, but now it's easier, the moment I have more experience with it. Of course, if I have the 'creative block', anything is hard to design :D

Creative block is definitely the biggest obstacle for me. I get in this "I've seen everything and it all seems stupid to me" mindset when it comes to designing stuff for my community, and that kind of attitude gets you nowhere.
I find it difficult when the client asks for some sort of "animal mascot" of some sort, and then all they give is "Make it look like an angry bear!" Yup, not helpful.
For those having problems with custom shapes try a vector program rather than bitmap - I used to have hells own difficulties with custom shapes in pos pro (a free photoshop type program) till I discovered vector image software - I use inkscape which is another free to use public licence - it instantly made things so much easier especially with custom shapes. My logo on my forum is done on there and I know it doesnt look much but it is a lot of custom shapes and I did it all myself rather than having to work with tracings of other peoples.

I find it a thousand times easier to make simple logos and backgrounds, but it takes a massive effort to make Graphic Design Art. (TBH, it feels like they're smashing a ton of Photoshop tools into a businesscard-sized image.)
The pen tool once upon a time ago was a nightmare, now it's one of my favorite tools. :)

I'd say Artist Block hits me from time to time, then I just have to go out and look for inspiration somewhere. Animation kicks my ass too, only because it is so time consuming for such a small thing.
I hated designing avatars, I could never fit what I wanted into such a small space..
Although if I where to do it now, I'd just make a large image/avatar of what I wanted, and then just downsize the image size.
I hated designing avatars, I could never fit what I wanted into such a small space..
Although if I where to do it now, I'd just make a large image/avatar of what I wanted, and then just downsize the image size.
That's the smart way to do it. I make a 200x200 canvas and make an avatar then downsize it. Works poifectly.
That's the smart way to do it. I make a 200x200 canvas and make an avatar then downsize it. Works poifectly.

I learnt from the best, only reason I know now is from when you sent me my avatar and then I just had to downsize it, and it still looked perfect!
It is hard when I am giving a strict set of criteria to meet. Sure, I can do it, but when a client has TONS of requests sometimes it is hard. Especially if their requests don't really seem reasonable from an artistic point of view. Sometimes people want colors that simply don't go together and this makes it hard. I hate producing stuff that I wouldn't personally use myself. However, if the client wants it sometimes it must be done.
It is hard when I am giving a strict set of criteria to meet. Sure, I can do it, but when a client has TONS of requests sometimes it is hard. Especially if their requests don't really seem reasonable from an artistic point of view. Sometimes people want colors that simply don't go together and this makes it hard. I hate producing stuff that I wouldn't personally use myself. However, if the client wants it sometimes it must be done.

Do you work in graphics? :eek:
Do you work in graphics? :eek:
No, not officially, but at times I'll make some money off of doing graphic work! It has been a bit since I have done any graphic stuff (besides my own personal graphics).
for me it is dificult to make a Project in my mind so that why i always steal design and make them a new look.
for me it is dificult to make a Project in my mind so that why i always steal design and make them a new look.
I can't say I support that as an artist puts so much time and effort into their pieces to make them great then just for someone to come along and take them is a bit rude, but if it is just for learning I can't complain... Much...
I find it difficult when the client asks for some sort of "animal mascot" of some sort, and then all they give is "Make it look like an angry bear!" Yup, not helpful.

Same here...animal or human mascots...I'm not good at all at that kind of stuff. But I have a friend who is awesome at drawing..she is always there when I need help.
For me, it's the smaller things that are more difficult for me to design. I'm doing more avatars lately so I'm getting better at that, but small images like favicons and userbars still get me.

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