The most important motivational factors are these.
1: Fear
Workers have to know there will be consequences for poor performance and bad behavior. They’ll rise to a higher standard if they are held to one.
2: Peer Pressure
Good managers use people to motivate each other. Bad workers are elevated by good ones. Good workers are dragged down by bad ones. By being mindful of the “negativity saturation”, a manager can drown out the negativity of an individual with a team of positive individuals.
3: Pride
Most people want to feel proud of their work and themselves. If a manager creates a work place that gives their employees a reason to feel proud of their job (and themselves), those employees will perform better.
4: Recognition
It’s human nature to want to be recognized for your efforts. Effective managers express genuine appreciation for an employee’s abilities and output. I’m not saying that everyone should get a pat on the back for everything that they do, rather show them that you see when they are doing good work.
5: Money
Employees say they’ll work harder for more money, rarely is it true. I consider money to be the least effective of the motivators. It should only be used in combination with the above. If you frequently use monetary motivation, the employees will come to expect it and might even resent not receiving it.
Anybody who knows more about these he must share his/her ideas.