I would say WhatsApp over telegram because more person's are familiar with it and the fear of been scammed is affecting a lot on telegram. Present I have more contacts on WhatsApp than telegram thereby making business easy for me.
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I prefer whatsapp because whatsapp also introduced end-to-end encryption for all chats.chat app whatsapp supports voice as well as vedio calls.whatsapp allows a sender to know about the delivery and message read status by the other user.Reasons why WhatsApp is better than Telegram: This means your friends and family are more likely to have WhatsApp rather than Telegram. Whatsapp also introduced end-to-end encryption for all chats whereas Telegram uses it just for its secret chat. Chat app Whatsapp supports voice as well as video calls.
Its telegram for me, anytime and anyday. Everything i learned or have idea i got it from telegram, so many limitations on whatsapp.Telegram and Whatsapp are popular communication apps used by businesses and individuals these days. These apps are used by businesses as a contact system. Integration of these apps on the business website is easy. By integrating these apps on the website, businesses provide live support to the clients and visitors, it is mandatory to use one of these apps fr your business and business website.
Recently, Telegram announced that it surpassed 500 million monthly active users. According to Statista, Whatsapp has 1.5 billion monthly active users. Based on the number of users on each of these communication app, you might easily pass a verdict saying Whatsapp is better than Telegram. But that is not the case. Some businesses are using multiple communication apps as you can see they are using messenger, whatsapp, telegram, Viber etc. However, some businesses prefer to use one of these apps.
Which communication app do you have for your business? Which one of these two apps do you want to use for live support.
You see telegram has wider and bigger space compare to WhatsApp. Its just like an upgrade to WhatsApp, i still prefer WhatsApp though but telegram is better.Telegram and Whatsapp are popular communication apps used by businesses and individuals these days. These apps are used by businesses as a contact system. Integration of these apps on the business website is easy. By integrating these apps on the website, businesses provide live support to the clients and visitors, it is mandatory to use one of these apps fr your business and business website.
Recently, Telegram announced that it surpassed 500 million monthly active users. According to Statista, Whatsapp has 1.5 billion monthly active users. Based on the number of users on each of these communication app, you might easily pass a verdict saying Whatsapp is better than Telegram. But that is not the case. Some businesses are using multiple communication apps as you can see they are using messenger, whatsapp, telegram, Viber etc. However, some businesses prefer to use one of these apps.
Which communication app do you have for your business? Which one of these two apps do you want to use for live support.
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