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Staff Dream Team

Nov 26, 2015
As we all have had our moments on forums, perhaps you've developed friendships with users, you've seen great content from other members, you see the leadership skills of a member of the community...

Let's potentially say you are opening a new forum and looking to hire for your staff team. Who are people you would likely try to gain to be a staff member on your forum? Do not list just your bestfriends, but who do you truly think would make the best dream team - you can name as many people as you like as perhaps you wouldn't be able to secure some that you would want... Explain why you think they would be such an asset to your forum.

For my example, I am providing those I've had experience with in some shape or form - perhaps I worked for them before, with them, or I was a member of their forum.

- John - he is truly a one of a kind guy. He comes off quite serious sometimes on forums, but I found he truly is one of the best people. I truly appreciate his opinion on matters and enjoy that he is always willing to have a conversation. He is a good person to have on the team because he will analyze the big picture.
- Esper is one of the best administrators to work with. I love that he can handle things analytically and not as emotionally since I'm the emotional one xD He is entertaining and just an overall great guy to work with!
- Mystique - she is one of the best people who ultimately cares about everyone so much. She builds relationships with people easily and enjoyed getting to know them further! She makes a community feel like home.
- Sarah - I've never worked very close with her - but I always wanted to. Her graphic skills are incredible and she has these great ideas for forums. Her Walking Dead forum was truly incredible - the graphics, the roleplaying... just WOW.
- Cedric was always one I wanted to work with because I saw he had big ideas and I thought they would be cool to mesh with my ideas as well! He has ran several forums. Getting to know him more here on Admin Junkies though made me see how he really does work hard to build a community and I've truly enjoyed getting to work with him now!
- Cynosure - she can make a community come to life! I miss the days of us posting back and forth, but she is incredible! She is also a community builder in my opinion.
- REALLY most of the team on Atrium was my dream team and I'm lucky to have gotten to work with all them. People like Jamie and Jasper, while not always the biggest posters, they contributed big when they participated on the forum, and they also did so much for the forums behind the scenes. I don't think I'll ever give either enough appreciation.
- Macy is also an incredible asset to a forum. She has great opinions, and although not always a frequent poster she typically shares these great ideas! Her graphic skills are also impecible.
- Bluezone777 - although he doesn't frequently make many posts - his posts have meaning. He is often the calm in the storm and can look at things and analyze them before reacting. He is a great person to work with as well. '
- Karinama aka Bradd - yall. This guy right here is amazing - he brings the energy wherever he goes.
- Prophet - another great person - he is also kind of a calm in the storm type of person. I think he brings great knowledge and interesting conversations in the topics he enjoys - and it inspires others to create the same.
- Guy - I have never worked with him as a staff member with me before - but goodness - he is a wonderful member and he truly cares! He would make a terrific addition to any staff. He also is honest and brings a fresh insight to the table.
- Jewel - she made a community brighten up - she is just one of the kindest souls I've met. She is a terrific addition to a forum.
- Thomas - He is one of the best community team members I've ever worked with. He put so much time into the forums and trying to create new ideas. He truly has a golden heart and I adored working with him.
- Meowsepad - I never got to work close with him, but man, his personality is amazing. I know when he takes a forum serious he puts his all in. He truly wants the best for people and has a big heart.

Really I'm noticing a pattern, I either love people who are more analytical, because let's be honest I'm not always and they help balance me out... or I adore people who bring so much kindness to a community and get to know one another.

I am sure there are more I wanted to mention - but man... what a team we'd all make. Looking at my list I see a graphics team, a community team, and an admin team. xD
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Thanks for including me. It'd be fun working on something again in the future at some point. :p

For me, it'd have be something like this:
Jasper - Levelheaded individual that was always skilled in almost every aspect that I wanted to be. We meshed really well when it came to JustGFX but the time just wasn't there.
Esper - I've worked with him a few times before and he's a great person to be around. Extremely levelheaded and doesn't make emotional decisions.
Sarah - Her work has always inspired me and she's extremely skilled at multiple things. Levelheaded individual that brings tons of expertise to multiple aspects when it comes to forums
Cory - Skilled individual that brings coding knowledge and is community oriented.
Guy - Great guy to be around. I enjoy his style of work and he's extremely talented when it comes to managing a community and in the graphics department.
Cynosure - She's always been a community oriented person and is extremely likeable. Great person to talk to and always seems to be in the center of the community with little to no drama involved.
Reverie - Great person to have around in a community. Knows when to put her best foot forward and develop a strong community. Doesn't falter when given adversity and knows how to manage a community from the top-down.
Cedric - We've worked together before and he was always extremely knowledgeable. I always felt like projects were abandoned too early but this one seems to be going extremely well and it makes me happy to see that.
Mini Maul - Another levelheaded individual that was talented at what he did and also extremely knowledgeable. I could always lean on him and Jasper when it came to different aspects of administrating and they were always a step ahead.
Ryjoe - Someone that I always admired when it came to talent and extremely involved in the community. He had a playful approach but could also inspire others to put their best foot forward.
Cody - Someone that I also admired from the start. He had a very professional approach to things and was someone that I had always looked up to in terms of how they managed a community.
Driver/Doug - I always loved talking to this guy. Knew how to run a community and was very community oriented. Had a professional but playful approach to situations and always knew how to make me laugh.
Tokyodrift - We had a few projects that never opened but he was always a blast to be around. I loved our late night conversations with Jackson on the daily and both were incredible to be around and also extremely talented.
Jackson - ^^

I'm sure there's more that I could list but these are the immediate that came to my mind when making this post. Most of these are people that I've had a project with in one way or another, or that I had admired in the past/now.
Tokyodrift was truly one of a kind! I miss having him on forums - I don't think I was ever staff with him at the same time, but I loved forums he ran or where he was staff at. And quite true - Cory is wonderful - I've never worked him really prior to here at Admin Junkies. I know Esper talked with him more than I did - I'm glad I'm getting the chance to get to know him here!
So many names, and some I cant remember, a list just wouldn't be fair xD

A few namedrops for a core of a dreamteam for me personally would have to be:
Moley - Created the forum that really started it for me. Moktaka was a beast and Moley was/is such a great friend I'll truly never forget.
Lady Luck - The one who got me into Graphic Design and Skinning eventually.
Jasper - JustGfx, we should have kept going instead of hopping to GForce xD. A monster of a designer and such a nice guy.
Chronos - Probably one of my closest friends during the peak of my foruming days. Helped me create my baby that was Icon'd. I wish we kept in touch bud :(
Esper - Much like Chronos, regarded as an excellent friend and miss the old times. I still have my Esper the Pumpkin story somewhere...
Wild Child - Whatever the past may be, very open and kind individual that I had the pleasure of being around on her and other forums.
Ladyvamptress - Very hard to sum up what Lady brought to my foruming life as we kinda crisscrossed paths, but regardless of what happened irl, her talent with Signatures was elite tier that would be very hard to match.

Theres obviously others who aren't in that list above who I have worked with that have a thousand more times the creativity and ability that I ever had doing any of the jobs on foruming that I have forgotten over the years, Karinama, Xarina? was another I just searched/remembered xD. Some are on this board today still living the foruming dream :p (Cedric, BA) but there were a lot of people in the Snowglobe I wished I worked alongside more and gotten to know, a lot of what I would have described as the cool kids that were Cedric's main group xD. I can't remember many of their names, Macy-Lynn was one I think, but you had some rocking sites that I wish I was a part of. I would have liked to have a chance to collab or work alongside people like Sarah, Sith, Chance and a lot of Outline designers tbh. Kintesh is probably the one person I don't think I ever really spoke to but had so much appreciation for his work.

Mini Maul - Another levelheaded individual that was talented at what he did and also extremely knowledgeable. I could always lean on him and Jasper when it came to different aspects of administrating and they

The kind words are very much appreciated even if it's not true :p <3
The kind words are very much appreciated even if it's not true :p <3
Our time spent together was short lived, but you definitely helped me with the coding of the JustGFX 2.0 theme and many other decisions along the way were with your input. :p
You were always someone that I had admired. :)
Snap, Mokata is what really got me into forums too. Are you still in contact, I’d be keen to know what he’s up to these days?
I was only semi on Mokata - that was around the era I was on Gemz Shining Forms and CLounge - I would get on Mokata occasionally at that point. I've always heard great things about Moley - I feel bad I never got to know him!

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