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Dec 10, 2016
Anybody else using, used or plan to use this free software? It has the best support community I have ever seen and it's very easy to use!

I use it for my forums.
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I have used it in the past for projects which were small and for private communities (ie. clans for games). I feel as though it is great for that purpose, but otherwise it is a little limited on what you can do with it - as expected since it is a free host and such.
I've used this from a member's perspective but I've never used this from an admin's perspective. I know people who have created a forum with this software and I've not really been a fan of it. So, I've never used it to create a forum with.
I remember using it years ago but could never get on with it when I used it and ended up moving away from ProBoards. I don't mind using it as a member but in terms of running a forum, it's not something I can use and feel comfortable with. I have many people who I know that use ProBoards and they have some really nice looking forums running it, some have it a little too overloaded which I hate to see but for the most part, it's a good, reliable free forum software.
It's a good starter platform for those that are just starting to enter this niche or running your own forum, however I do feel that there are some things which need refining and the advertisements from proboards themselves are a little bit heavy, but again it is a free platform so it isn't that shocking. It's something I wouldn't probably use now but still something I have used in the past and it helped me begin :)
Anybody else using, used or plan to use this free software? It has the best support community I have ever seen and it's very easy to use!
I have used Proboards in the past. The support community used to be much much better than it is today. Proboards Support is only a partial reflection of what it used to be. Nevertheless, you are right. Proboards does have reliability and support under their belt, which makes them stand out.

I use it for my forums.
It's a good starter platform for those that are just starting to enter this niche or running your own forum, however I do feel that there are some things which need refining and the advertisements from proboards themselves are a little bit heavy, but again it is a free platform so it isn't that shocking. It's something I wouldn't probably use now but still something I have used in the past and it helped me begin :smiley:

Agreed. It didn't used to be so advertisement heavy, but then again, they also used to have a lot more traffic. I would still use it for old times' sake. It got me into forums about a decade ago. :p
Agreed. It didn't used to be so advertisement heavy, but then again, they also used to have a lot more traffic. I would still use it for old times' sake. It got me into forums about a decade ago. :yum:
Yeah those golden days of the forum :yum:
Agreed. It didn't used to be so advertisement heavy, but then again, they also used to have a lot more traffic. I would still use it for old times' sake. It got me into forums about a decade ago. :yum:

Seriously, I thought I was the only one noticing the advertisements. Back in the day, they're used to be like one 728x90 advertisement banner in between the header and the forums. That advertisement spot seems to still exist, but now there's two huge banners in the footer as well. I assume they had to introduce more advertisements to make up for the lost revenue from the rise of ad blocking programs, such as Ad Block Plus.
Proboards in its hay-day was great!

V4/V4.5 had some awesome custom themes for it. V5/whatever it is now just feels like garbage in comparison.
I was on PBS 14 Years I finally left because they full of shit and take down your forum whenever they feel like it or if they don't like you. They are cunts
I was on PBS 14 Years I finally left because they full of shit and take down your forum whenever they feel like it or if they don't like you. They are cunts

Unfortunately, they’re well within their rights to take your forum down for any random reason. That is clearly stated in their Terms of Service. That’s the beauty of free forum hosting.
Unfortunately, they’re well within their rights to take your forum down for any random reason. That is clearly stated in their Terms of Service. That’s the beauty of free forum hosting.
Even if u didn't Violate their TOS if they don't like u they can take u down.
Anybody else using, used or plan to use this free software? It has the best support community I have ever seen and it's very easy to use!

I use it for my forums.
I used to use it but it's not the best in my opinion, if you want to get started in XenForo or something of that sort, let me know and i'll try to help!
Even if u didn't Violate their TOS if they don't like u they can take u down.

That’s precisely the point. I haven’t read it lately, but I recall that the TOS states that they can take your forum down whenever they feel like it. It’s not about violating anything. You could have done nothing wrong, but they are well within their rights to deny you access to your forum.
Xenform is expesnvie its over 300$ a year

XenForo* is not $300 a year.

XenForo License - $140*
Includes 12 months of ticket support and upgrades. Support and upgrade access can currently be extended for $40 for an additional 12 months

That's not $300. Though, if you're running a bunch of plugins, it'll probably become more expensive.
Ah, I remember the days of ProBoards. That's what got me started with forums. I got invited one day by a friend to join his general chat forum on there. Had a wicked theme (the guy was a pro at photoshop and made his own themes). It was called PRR (Pirates Random Room). Ever since then, I have been a part of forums.

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