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Longest time spent working on a graphic?

Jun 27, 2012
We all tend to spend time on our graphics to perfect them and make them the best we can but on some occasions we can take quite a bit of time with certain graphics.

What would you say is the longest time you have spent creating a graphic and what kind of graphic was it? Did the time you spend on it pay off?
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I'm such a perfectionist when I work on graphics that I wouldn't want to put together the amount of time I spend on some of them. I'm really not great at it, so I'm sure there are more efficient ways to do a lot of the things (like pathing) that take me so long.
For me it has to be when I was in middle school.

Back then, since I was still developing and not so good at it, I used to spend from half to one month to finish one of my digital drawings. Even after that amount of time spend on making them, they still were really bad but eventually they got better even without me noticing. I only became aware of it when somebody else pointed it out to me. Well since then I have gotten better at it and thankfully faster as well, which is great since I don't have so much free time as I had back then to draw.
My creative side is sporadic, and patchy and unfortunately I lack the real talent to be professional. However I do have binges where I get an idea in my head and have to doodle and sketch and fiddle and fix until I have something that is at least original and which pleases me even if others do not consider it very professional.
I think I spend 12 hours max when I was designing my website. But those 12 hours are spent in separation and not in one go, also it's not all spent in graphics because I tend to jump from designing to developing. I would design the layout of the site for an hour then jump into Dreamweaver and try to stitch things together.

I go back and forth and once I'm done with the bits and pieces I tend to go over one final time and this is where the stress begins. Revising every thing and trying to fix things both the graphics side and the codes.
I haven't spent more then a hour. Really the most I ever did was around 30 minutes.

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