In order to fully satisfy our customers with our products, we only have to know them more than we do. In that way, we can address easily the things that we lack from our product and may somehow give us the idea how to innovate our products based on their demands. Just ask them these following questions and may serve also as their feedbacks to us.
1. What's the key profit from our product/service that you get?
It is helpful to concentrate your attention and resources by asking your clients to state the key advantage you give them. Say you're an elevated street gym. You will want to know which of your sales points are the most important to your clients. Here, you might use a closed-ended question, offering a choice of items such as location, exercise classes, personal training, exercise equipment or the availability of other branches of the gym.
2. Which part of our product/service makes you happy?
It is slightly different from talking about the key value you bring to asking customers what you do or sell that makes them happy. Let's use the example of the gym again. Place may be seen by consumers as your key advantage. But something completely different may be what makes them happy. Perhaps it is that they are welcomed with a smile by the workers and know them by name.
3. What are the major product/service problems?
Your customers might have a few different gripes and grumbles, and it's important that you listen. Don't miss the chance to ask customer feedback questions about places where you're not delivering, and that are important to your customers. Providing a variety of choices for them to choose from is probably a smart idea.
I am pretty sure that you will know more your customers by asking these questions and I do hope you get my point. If you have any feedbacks about this, please feel free to comment.