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If you were starting a new community what software would you use?


Well-known member
Dec 15, 2015
The only stipulation is that it can't be whatever software you are using at the moment for an existing community you own/run.

For me, i'd like to try Wotlab Burning Board...I use IPB on my site now and I have a lot of experience with XF which is largely underwhelming.

If I was to do a new community, I want something unknown to me but still fresh such as WBb as the communities I've seen actually look pretty cool.

How about you all?
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At this point, I get so tired of the conventional forum-style that I'd probably build my own software. I have tried doing my own software before.. I may actually try again as my next PHP project.
I like XenForo, personally. I might try WBB or IPB (WBB looks really cool, and IPB is a good software from my experience). I'd probably use xF. It's what I like the most.
Since I have both XF and IPB licenses sitting around I'd decide what kind of website it was going to be first and which features I needed. General discussion I'd go with IPB since it has more features available in the long run. I'd go with IPB as well if it was website related as not many website related forums use IPB.

I'd use XF in rare occasions mostly because I don't know how to use it and it seems more difficult to me.
I like XenForo, personally. I might try WBB or IPB (WBB looks really cool, and IPB is a good software from my experience). I'd probably use xF. It's what I like the most.
You cheated :p I said it cant be an existing software you already use for your site now (i.e. Xenforo) lol.
XF seems pretty tight. I would like to start using it for my own projects.
I would go with vBulletin. I really like the software, even if it is considered as too simple by many forum owners. I like the fact that is it simple and easy to use.
I would start off very small and cheap with free software then move your way up. same with hosting. Start with shared and then once you get bigger upgrade

Hello @Empire, and everyone,

I currently have a prototype of a very small forum built around Vanilla that I could publish as an extension to my site at the very moment. It has four leading questions that could eventually be made into the major categories of a larger site. When you say small, do you mean that small?

Another alternative I have been considering was to start with FluxBB (not quite as small as Vanilla), for which I also built a prototype that could be made publishable in no time. This software is a little more elaborate than Vanilla in its possibilities and in the control it offers. I'm currently still testing some of its outworking.

The idea of publishing my Vanilla prototype immediately is attractive to me. But I have been holding back, because I was hoping to come through with something a little more sophisticated. FluxBB was the one I invested most in so far. But I am now also looking into MyBB (for the first time) and PhpBB (a second time around).

Would it make sense to publish my forum under Vanilla now, so that I get the ball rolling, and to switch to either FluxBB, MyBB or PhpBB, whenever I am ready, which could even be in a few weeks from now? Whereas a paying software such as XF would only be considered if the on-line community turned out really big and busy.

May I trust that it will be relatively easy to export data from Vanilla and import it into a different and more elaborate forum software such as MyBB or PhpBB? May it be assumed that account data would be preserved so that those who registered would not have to register over again? Would the changes in URL structure of the forum content not be as damageable to forum traffic as broken links are to a regular site?

Am I right in holding back a few weeks (or perhaps a couple of months) for considerations such as those :anguished: ? or should I go right ahead and publish whatever I have now, and see from there :cool: . What do you think?
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Hello @Empire, and everyone,

I currently have a prototype of a very small forum built around Vanilla that I could publish as an extension to my site at the very moment. It has four leading questions that could eventually be made into the major categories of a larger site. When you say small, do you mean that small?

Another alternative I have been considering was to start with FluxBB (not quite as small as Vanilla), for which I also built a prototype that could be made publishable in no time. This software is a little more elaborate than Vanilla in its possibilities and in the control it offers. I'm currently still testing some of its outworking.

The idea of publishing my Vanilla prototype immediately is attractive to me. But I have been holding back, because I was hoping to come through with something a little more sophisticated. FluxBB was the one I invested most in so far. But I am now also looking into MyBB (for the first time) and PhpBB (a second time around).

Would it make sense to publish my forum under Vanilla now, so that I get the ball rolling, and to switch to either FluxBB, MyBB or PhpBB, whenever I am ready, which could even be in a few weeks from now? Whereas a paying software such as XF would only be considered if the on-line community turned out really big and busy.

May I trust that it will be relatively easy to export data from Vanilla and import it into a different and more elaborate forum software such as MyBB or PhpBB? May it be assumed that account data would be preserved so that those who registered would not have to register over again? Would the changes in URL structure of the forum content not be as damageable to forum traffic as broken links are to a regular site?

Am I right in holding back a few weeks (or perhaps a couple of months) for considerations such as those :anguished: ? or should I go right ahead and publish whatever I have now, and see from there :cool: . What do you think?
MyBB would be what I'd personally recommend if you're looking to merge later on. phpBB is a solid software, but there are tons of development holes in it. MyBB is more of a finished project at the current moment, and I'd personally use that. I personally have never used Vanilla or FluxBB, but MyBB is probably the most popular free forum software at this moment.

Also - I'd make sure I had the ground work laid for my forum before launch. A ton of people start forums when their theme is only half finished and there are zero posts. If you want to get off to a "fast start", make sure you have solid graphics on your forum, and you have at least a thousand posts. If you don't do those things, you run a large risk of underwhelming users when you first launch.
I think if I was just starting a new site I would go free and use MyBB. If I was going the paid route I would definitely use XenForo. I've used other software, but I think those are the two best options.

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