Effective management practice System for a poultry includes:-
Well-defined biosecurity practices throughout broiler production (pre-, during and post-placement) are crucial to successful poultry production. Effective biosecurity can aid hygiene, vermin and insect control on-farm and help to limit disease transmission within and between barns.
*Downtime between flocks
Adequate downtime of at least 14 days with appropriate cleaning and disinfection measures between flock placements helps to reduce transmission of disease between flocks and allows time to prepare for the next flock.
*Pre-placement preparation
Pre-placement preparation is needed before the new flock arrives to help prevent losses during brooding and the rest of grow out.
*Checkpoints to keep in mind: heaters, floor temperature, temperature and relative humidity probes, ventilation, drinkers, feeders, etc.
*Brooding management
With today’s improved genetic capabilities and the fast growth of birds, more time is being spent during the critical brooding phase. As a result, ensuring a good start in poultry production can have a significant impact on the future health and performance of the birds.
*The brooding period is an important time for intestinal growth and the development of a balanced microflora.
*Litter management
The litter in a poultry house acts as bedding for the birds. In addition to standing and resting on the bedding, birds will naturally peck at the litter.
*Water management
Drinking water accounts for 70–80 percent of the bird’s daily drinking needs. Poultry will generally consume more water than feed. As a result, water is the most critical nutrient for poultry. An abundance of clean water will reduce challenges and maximize performance.