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How many staff members is too many?

It will be determined by the amount of revenue and the specific tasks to be completed. As many staff as are relevant and required for the site's efficient operation.
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To know if staff are many or not, you should be considering the website and what they do. This will determine the number of Graduate that best fit or match the company size.
I have not to experience with staff members. But I wish to give you some advice. The number of staff members depends on that which type of business. One main factor is also a budget if your budget does not allow you to pay more the twenty staff then don't go for twenty-five.
I am going to see the number of staff needed by the forums depend how big it is. There are some forums which need more than 20 moderators because they have a lot of sub forums. I think it is too much for such forum to have 30 moderators. Everything boils down to the size of the forum.
If you have like 5 members on your forum, and 4 are staff members, than that's too much. You hire staff when you stop being able to do things yourself.
The size of the company will determine the number of staffs to be employed. The conglomerate requires many employees . The number of staffs also depends on the responsibilities of the company.
I think that the number of staff members that you have should be relative to how many different activities need to be completed on the website by the moderators and the staff and I think that if you have around 5 it is more than enough.
The number of staff members needed depends on the jobs-to-be-done. If it is a little task,staff member is needed I think 5 should be enough but when work to be done on a daily basis is much I will suggest 7-10 staff members
For you to be able to know how many staff is too much, you have to check your payroll and see if the payment this too much for you and it is reducing your income
Depending how big your website are can determine the number of staff you can hire in your forum website, for me if the forum is actually big I can know the number of staff I should hire into the website.
When considering the number of staffs in an organization, one must consider the quality of service they are rendering and the input and output they have in the organization. This and many other factors is to be considered before saying the staff is toomuch, they becomes toomuch when the expenditure outweighs the revenue that comes into the organization.
I believe you ought to look at the projects completed rather than just the number.
You are either understaffed or overstaffed depending on whether there is a lot of work to be done.
Recruiting should be based on your available resources.
I always keep admins to a minimum. Administrators have access to almost everything, but too many employees can pose security risks and trust issues. In the past there were only about 3 admins including myself. I prefer to have a small number of moderators spread across the forums to prevent spam and useless posts. I think 1-3 moderators and her 1 admin is enough for a new forum.
I can't really tell for sure the number of staff members that is two much on a forum. It all depends on the forum and the activities to be carried out on the forum.

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