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Have you ever been hacked?

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Yes. Just google around and you'll find some. I went to a Wordpress Meet Up around me and they were speaking on it .

Woah! That's awesome! I need to find a wordpress meet up. I didn't even know they had those.
Yes, I have been hacked on more than one occasion. The most recent being last summer. I was that hard up for help as I was going to be gone a couple days for Bible camp (something I've been doing since 2009) Got on my forum when I returned home only to find everything had been deleted except for probably a fistful of posts, but none of our members were deleted (thank God!)
Yes, I have been hacked on more than one occasion. The most recent being last summer. I was that hard up for help as I was going to be gone a couple days for Bible camp (something I've been doing since 2009) Got on my forum when I returned home only to find everything had been deleted except for probably a fistful of posts, but none of our members were deleted (thank God!)

Was it one of your moderators who hacked it?
Was it one of your moderators who hacked it?

I don't remember off hand, although I do remember it was a member of our staff. Nobody on our staff now is responsible, of course, but I was desperate for help as I was going to be gone for a couple days at the time and I was willing to take on anybody at that point. Never letting that happen again, and this year I'm a bit more prepared because I have a moderator who's so far been pretty trustworthy. I had a seizure back in January, hence why I no longer remember specific details.
I don't remember off hand, although I do remember it was a member of our staff. Nobody on our staff now is responsible, of course, but I was desperate for help as I was going to be gone for a couple days at the time and I was willing to take on anybody at that point. Never letting that happen again, and this year I'm a bit more prepared because I have a moderator who's so far been pretty trustworthy. I had a seizure back in January, hence why I no longer remember specific details.

Aww man, that blows. I'm sorry you had to experience that. I hope karma bites him/her (the hacker) in the butt!
I got hacked 2-3 times in the past and this was my own fault because I trusted someone with all of my server's passwords that shouldn't have had it to begin with because I was being hosted by a managed server company. But, you learn and move on.
I had my Facebook account hacked by my- as I thought- best friend who had a crush on me :dizzy:. But hopefully without any damage, except he read my personal massages
Nope, I've never been hacked but it is something that is always in the back of my mind. I mean that's pretty much the worst thing that can happen to you.
I've had many attempts on my sites, but so far no one has gotten in. I take this very serious and put enough protection in place. Nothing is ever totally secure, but you have to try your best to keep it as secure as possible.
Thankfully I have not but I know plenty who have been so I am keeping my mouth shut and my hopes on that it will never happen to me lol
I always worry about getting hacked, but I found that setting a nice n' complicated password helps to avoid it from happening! ;) Also don't share passwords.

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