This fact is very true,because we observed that part of what was making sales to go down is the issue of awareness.When we started applying this strategy, we began to see some improvement,constant awareness and repeated reminder is very important.this is the reason why most newly business go into advertisement on the first stage of their business, this is the time a lot of people will understand the type of business they are doing and this will increase the number patronage,I think advertisement is one of the most important factors all new Businesses should look into.
One really need a strong will inorder to withstand the challanges that comes with the business terrian.In my own case the money was not coming as expected and a lot of finance have been invested already,we just have to keep faith and exercise patience.this are normal aspect of every business that is why if you are starting a business you should not expect the business to generate quick money for the smooth running now, you still need to use some of your money to do the most important things like paying of employees until the business is capable of generating its own money
This is very true.One of the ways to go about this issues would be a strategy for customer aqusition,which has to do with advertisment.and the issue of overhead cost should also be looked into so that the buusiness would not be affected in a negative manner.I think if a company starts to experience low patronage , they should instead seek for ways to improve sales . And if there is need to reduce wages , the employees should be made to understand this
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