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Aug 13, 2013
I've seen several good forums that have come from Zetaboards so they must be a pretty decent hosting service. So I want to know what everyone thinks about them. Is there admin control panel easy to use? Do you think they provide good service on their support forum? Give me your thoughts on Zetaboards.
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I've tried Zeta Boards before and it is seems it is pretty cool. I like how they provide the hosting themselves too but I'm not a big idea of that, though. Another thing I have at about Zeta Boards is, if you do not purchase a domain you have this extremely long URL link which is hardly easy to remember which put's people like me off. They should shorten the URL to something people can actually remember.
ZetaBoards is my home. <3

It's not perfect, but no software is. ZB gives you everything from an admin and member perspective you could want, you don't have to worry about getting too big because they handle all the hosting and never shut anyone down for their size, etc. ACP is really easy to use, not any more difficult than others and easier than a lot (phpbb is a nightmare).

Theming for ZB is pretty simple as well. There are some improvements there that could be made, but we get by. There are some beautiful themes made for ZB and you don't find themes of the same quality on most other software.
I'm not a big fan of it. While the hosting idea is cool, you have to work on someone else's schedule. Whenever ZB goes down, all of the forums seem to go with it. Then, you can't do anything if you want to go bigger, because you can't transfer the database and move it to another host, because ZB is your host. In my opinion, it's a bare minimum software. It is good if you're first learning about forums, but there are a few major flaws in it.
It's pretty good in my opinion. No fees, easy to set up and plenty of great designs out there.

The free theme library for ZB is the best I've ever seen of any forum software - some really talented designers working on themes.
I wasn't a big fan of zb until recently - It's a pretty good forum software, it's certainly not perfect, but neither are other forums softwares I've used. (phpBB, XenForo, etc.). There are tons of free themes to grab and use, and there are plenty of talented designers who'll make a custom one pretty cheap if that's how you wanted to go.

The only thing I dislike about ZB is the 20k code limit. I've reached that already and I really don't want to upgrade to the premium service to get an extra 30k. >.<
I wasn't a big fan of zb until recently - It's a pretty good forum software, it's certainly not perfect, but neither are other forums softwares I've used. (phpBB, XenForo, etc.). There are tons of free themes to grab and use, and there are plenty of talented designers who'll make a custom one pretty cheap if that's how you wanted to go.

The only thing I dislike about ZB is the 20k code limit. I've reached that already and I really don't want to upgrade to the premium service to get an extra 30k. >.<

I can see your point. Sometimes you have to accept the good with the bad. I guess there are limits when it comes to using a free hosting service for a forum. If you had to do it all over again, would you go back and change anything?
Zetaboards is actually pretty easy to get hang of. I heard some people say that they are too limited compared to MyBB and other software. I haven't used it extensively to give it a decent review. I do like it myself though based on the little experience I have with it.
Zetaboards is actually pretty easy to get hang of. I heard some people say that they are too limited compared to MyBB and other software. I haven't used it extensively to give it a decent review. I do like it myself though based on the little experience I have with it.

See that is me. I've only used two different free hosting companies.....Zetaboards and Forumotion (as an administrator/owner stand point). Both have been good to me and I've enjoyed their services. I haven't had any down time and I've always gotten support from their support team whenever I've needed it. However, I can't compare those two companies to others because I haven't used the others enough to say "yay" or "nay".
Its a good service especially if you are running your forum as a hobby.

However, as some other users have mentioned, if you decide you want to move it to your own host you have to start all over as you can't take the database. Plus, since its hosted for free, you can't make any money off of it via advertisements.
Its a very good forum software. It is easy to set up and plenty of great designs out there.
I haven't seen many sites based on Zetaboards now and i don't know why?

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