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Xenforo's Support Review: Support forum is high schoolish.


Well-known member
Dec 15, 2015

Xenforo is praised for having the 'best' support forum for products. And it is easy to see how and why they got the reputation they have.

It is indeed a helpful and amazing community. Most support questions never go without response and your solutions are found/given in a speedy time.

But it is far from the best. This is one of the worst and toxic communities to be apart of within the paid software world.


This thread is one of many you can find where members feel that they find themselves facing passive aggressive and rude behavior when it comes to suggesting ideas.

One of the main issues I personally have with Xenforo is that even some of their staff, as helpful as they are, have similar abrasive, rude and overly sarcastic attitudes just like various members of the community. I am all for sarcasm and having a bit of bite (I do personally). But on a professional platform a sort of class and standard is expected.

it's a double-standard because the very same arrogance and sarcasm you may find in Xenforo's support team is praised(and liked lol) by the community because individual A is such a blessing and help to the community(which he is) but the very same type of thing on say....Vbulletin/IP board support forums would be labeled badly.

Xenforo's community may be incredibly active and devoted, but at the same time, it is not exactly the most embracing community.

It's quite sad that people feel as if they can't speak up and instead of encouraging individuals to speak up, they further isolate users.
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