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What was your worst performing forum?

Jun 27, 2012
Everyone will have a time when they create a forum, and it will be one of their worst performing ones either because the idea just didn't hit right or because they were new to the forum scene and they made mistakes in the beginning that did not help with the growth of the forum.
I remember my very first forum that I created I used phpBB and it was back when if you added a mod in wrong, it would mess the whole forum up and you would have to try and pull it all back without losing everything or just start again. Unfortunately, I had opened my forum up to the public when I was still adding things in and the amount of times, I had errors and issues people stopped believing in the forum and never bothered again.

What was your worst performing forum?
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I honestly don't know anymore. I've made so much forums back in my teen days, that most of them failed. I've had many fully setup forums with 500-1000 posts by staff members, setting everything up, releasing resources, adding content and they didn't see daylight. We usually skipped them for a new forum. Yeah, ridiculous I know, but that was the way it went during IF/ZB days.
If I remember right one of the worst boards was an X-men site. At the time, only a handful of big, popular X-men sites exist (one of said sites had dog-poop for staff). These bigger boards kept 'swallowing' smaller X-men sites because people were like "why join the new board when this established one has been around for ages?" so it made competition that much more stiff. You really had to bust your spine to survive at that time in RP history.
When Owl City - Fireflies became a massive hit, I roped a friend into attempting to open a forum/fansite with me. It was definitely one of those spur of the moment decisions, thinking there was a great opportunity to establish a website about this up-and-coming artist. I think we just called the forum Owl City Community, platform was PhpBB and I vividly remember the theme having hot air balloons, it didn't last very long at all, and to be fair, neither did Owl City.
If I remember right one of the worst boards was an X-men site. At the time, only a handful of big, popular X-men sites exist (one of said sites had dog-poop for staff). These bigger boards kept 'swallowing' smaller X-men sites because people were like "why join the new board when this established one has been around for ages?" so it made competition that much more stiff. You really had to bust your spine to survive at that time in RP history.
It's never easy for new forums do compete back in with the big sharks in the same niche. I know a lot of new forums that was forced to close up because they couldn't meet up with the competition they were facing. It still happens today but it's not like it used to be years ago.
My roleplay forums didn't go too far and that was because I really didn't have places to advertise to for them specifically. Didn't think to join those topic forums elsewhere and try to get people with similar interests to join lol. I loved them though because I put so much time into them, so while a failure in one sense, they were some of my favorite.

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