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What software do you use to design your graphics?


Loyal member
Mar 4, 2015
Illustrator, Photoshop, and Gimp all seem to be popular design softwares now. Which design software do you use, and why?
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Photoshop and illustrator. It's the only software I've purchased and it's easy to use and I've learned to much to go to a different platform.
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I use GIMP for everything. I've decided to stay away from Photoshop because I don't feel like paying hundreds of dollars for something that GIMP can do.
GIMP is the one I use. I find it to be similar to Photoshop however it's a free alternative which suits me seen as I don't really use it for all that much so paying for software wouldn't be beneficial to me. It's seem crazy to pay hundreds for a certain software when a free one can do pretty much the same.
Sketch for my own clients and projects and Adobe XD at work, but I still use PhotoShop CC and Illustrator CC every once in a while, too. I personally prefer Sketch over the other software mentioned. It's lightweight, easy to use, great if you're a developer as well and, like Illustrator, it's vector-based. You should definitely check it out if you work on a Mac.

Adobe XD is, however, pretty similar. It's pretty Sketch for Windows, but Sketch just works better for me personally.

I am also looking forward to Invision Studio. It looks great and it'll be released in January 2018.
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