You're right. Unfortunately, this tragic Covid-19 pandemic has created inconvenience for all of humanity, all over the world!
But in the first place, of course THE HEALTH comes FIRST, People HAVE THE RIGHT to CURE, RECOVER and SURVIVE, this must be clear!
Having said that, speaking then about economic damage, especially that of the single individuals, they have often been almost incalculable!
I now speak about Italy, the country where I live and therefore I can know more precise things, because I live in this circumstance every day!
And then, here we are talking about 1 million jobs lost since the start of the pandemic. The youth unemployment rate has grown exponentially and really high the number of companies (small-medium) / activities / shops that have been literally canceled by this immense tragedy!
However, to get to the point of your reasoning, I can say that something even here in Italy has moved with regard the smartworking,e-commerce and other remote jobs. But anyway, we (like many other countries) are not yet very prepared and technologically advanced for this new way of working. But, that we like it or not, sooner or later, we will have to get used to it.
But, I'm sorry dear friend
@Oliver4smile , we must nevertheless take into consideration the fact that many jobs cannot be done remotely.
Thinking for example of the "low labor" professions such as: bricklayer, house painter, electrician, mechanic, etc.
And therefore I ask you, if for these, what could then be the solution?
Thank you.