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Things you would change about phpBB


Reputable member
Aug 21, 2013
If you were ever to be convinced to move over/start a forum with phpBB what changes would you make to their current forum software? What do you think they should change to improve their forum software?

Personally I would change it so that themes, mod and customizations are easier to implement onto phpBB forums as right now that is the one thing stopping me from using phpBB as adding things to it takes forever and is a pain
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I think the layout of the ACP needs to change. Also the way you add a theme seems pretty difficult to me. I am also not a fan of the avatar uploading system they use.
I think everyone agrees that a change of themes and the change in the ACP is top priority. They should really think about that, there are only a few nice themes for it and the ACP is just horrible.
If I were to change anything on phpBB, I would first go with how the forums page in the acp is listed. That page is my personal bane when it comes to finding a board or category to edit. They also need to make the forums permissions easier to access and to use.
phpBB needs to catch up with the times. No one expects them to be competing with XenForo and IPB, but they need to work on being much more modern. phpBB 3.1 introduced notifications, but that's kind of too little, too late. It's 2015, and the most appealing thing about the new phpBB version is notifications. That's kind of sad. :p
I would probably change the admincp and modcp as it very different. Also a plugin uploader so people don't have to go their database file on their cpanel and upload a plugin file
I would probably change the admincp and modcp as it very different. Also a plugin uploader so people don't have to go their database file on their cpanel and upload a plugin file
Doing it through FTP fixes that problem. :p

I would have to agree with everyone about the backend UI, though. It looks like it was made in the 90s and was never updated. I would like to see it come back with a flat ui straight out of the box. Without looking, I'm still sure that we can theme it ourselves or get a designer.

WordPress does a great job at designing their backend, it doesn't overwhelm anyone, while phpBB, if you don't know what you're doing, can be a learning curve.
I feel it needs to have a bit of an overhaul both in terms of administration and moderation and when compared to newer softwares such and Xenforo (Though yes, it is payware software) it is seriously outdated.
The only change I'd make to phpBB is to stop using it. lol Sadly, I can't yet afford a new Xenforo license. :D
I don't think adding mods are a big deal and they have awesome mods. However, though, they need a point mod that goes with the current version.

Anyway, as mentioned in another thread, I think the bad heat on phpBB, and this goes for other free software also, is due to the fact a lot of owners are inexperienced and make mistakes. I mean, I haven't seen that for a basic forum, not a fancy one, that a premium solution is absolutely necessary.

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