Yaqoob Habib
Bhatti foundation
You are absolutely right The more you visit your website, the more you will benefit from it and your income will also be generated. I would just like to say that those old visitors are better for your side. Because he will also have some experience from him so that he can work and will come to know more and more about it.New visitors on your site are the people who land on yoir website for the first time. Returning visitors are the people who come to your site second time, third time, etc. When you get returning visitors, it signify that people like your content. You can convert new visitors to returning visitors by building useful and interesting content. But the main question is what kind of visitors are good for your site in terms of revenue generation? Will you earn more if you have new visitors or if you have returning visitors? The revenue generation I am talking about is from ad impression and ad click.