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MyBB just as good as paid software?


Apr 30, 2015
I am wondering if anyone thinks that MyBB is as good as paid software? What is better about paid software over MyBB? There is everything that a forum needs included in MyBB and they are upgrading soon! Is there any reason to use a paid software when there is MyBB?
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MyBB isn't as good as IPB or XenForo. XenForo and IPB are much more modern, and unlike vBulletin, the quality of the software backs up the price tag. I'm not very familiar with MyBB's ACP seeing as I have only used it a couple times, so I don't really know how it compares to the ACPs of XenForo and IPB. As far as the user interface goes, I feel like XenForo and IPB are far superior to MyBB. So yes, there are reasons to use a paid software, and I'm sure there will be even when MyBB 2.0 is released.
Like Cameron said, yes, XenForo and IPB are better than MyBB, although IMO, not vB. It kinda declined after v3. However, MyBB is still a great forum software, and the best free one, at that, in my opinion. It's nice and fast, has an easy-to-navigate ACP, lots of great mods (plugins, themes, etc.) which are all very easy to install, good support, and while some people say that their anti-spam measures aren't very good, my forum doesn't get very many at all, so yeah.
I do think mybb offers everything a paid forum software offers.
I have been using mybb for an year now and I love everything about mybb.

Except for the themes, I like everything about mybb, including the support.
I don't really agree with other users, who believe, a paid forum software offers much more when compared to a free forum software.
Well, this is just my opinion.
MyBB is an excellent forum software but I do not believe it is as good as a paid software. Paid softwares are paid for a reason (better layout, more advanced, better plugins & styles, etc) and MyBB lacks a lot of features paid softwares like Invision Boards & XenForo would have.
Design a style identical to XenForo. IPB etc for MyBB and then find me a reason why it's not just as good as those paid software? From what I've seen, there is a couple of features on MyBB that even XenForo doesn't have. Also, there is plugins that both software have that the other doesn't. Basically, what I'm saying is, anything you can do on paid software, you can do on MyBB.
In the end they are all the same, the only major difference is the core and admin panel where things are totally different. I've seen plenty of different skins and themes that would make MyBB compete with all paid forum software companies and win hands down. I've also seen some very unique, custom plugins that do the same thing as other forums (making the true identity hidden).

Yes it doesn't have the paid customer service department that will help you with anything relating to the software, but the community is big enough where your question can be answered within a few minutes if asked correctly.
My new forum is based around supporting people that use all kinds of various forum software. There are plenty ways to receive support if you need it, I see no reason why, as some people call it, "paid support" is so good. Sure, you probably get replies faster, but if you set up your community before it launches, you are in no real rush. So working out all the bugs etc can be done before anyone even sees the board.
It's not. Softwares like XenForo and IPB are paid for a reason. MyBB's security has been historically really bad. Also, from what I've used on XF/MyBB, xF's plug-ins are way better and more practical. I'd probably use MyBB over IPB, though.
It's not. Softwares like XenForo and IPB are paid for a reason. MyBB's security has been historically really bad. Also, from what I've used on XF/MyBB, xF's plug-ins are way better and more practical. I'd probably use MyBB over IPB, though.

Really? All forum software have security flaws, that includes XenForo. Sure, it might seem a lot but MyBB patch anything they find or what others report. You say plugins are way better and more practical, please explain why you think this? In MyBB, you simply upload files, click install/activate and the plugin is installed. As far as being better, which plugins do you refer to?

I am not a fan of paid software, myBB i have had, doesn't impress me one bit.

Why doesn't MyBB impress you? Quite a few big boards use it. It's one of the best free forum software available.
I think it was the way the plug ins work, like adding themes and stuff, i am a coder, i like to add things and see what i am adding, i did write some themes for the myBB boards, but i think it came down to getting to used to what i had, like some will not change to another board as they are used to myBB, the same with me i think, just wasn't for me.
Personally, I don't support paid software, I believe software should be open-source and available to all, to share; learn and improve both the software and themselves.

I'm familiar and experienced with most of the commonly used forum software, such as MyBB; XenForo and vBulletin, (I have used IPB before, however, I'm not much experienced with it as the others), now then, of course like many others, MyBB was the very first forum software I've played with, it's free and I was looking for something nooby not too 'professional' so I could work my way through and learn. I was amazed, MyBB was pretty neat, very easy to setup and use, extremely resourceful, and it got me thinking, why would MyBB be free when it has such great features, when other forum software that provide pretty much the same features be paid? The answer is pretty simply, MyBB was originally authored by a community guy, and he wanted to give back (very admirable), when the XenForo authors simply wanted to make money of their work (which I can respect, it's your work, you're entitled to wanting to gain from it).

I, however, find XenForo extremely neat, it's clean; organized; etc, but the fact I have to pay $140 for a XenForo license (and such for a license for similar forum software) so I could get features I could just get from MyBB is shameful. What's even more shameful, is the fact some individuals do admire XenForo, however, do not have the funds to purchase a license, and thus end up getting a nulled version of XenForo, which could get them sued in the long run by XenForo. Ugh, sad..

P.S: I have a forum that I run on a new open-source forum software called TangoBB, it's pretty amazing for a still-in development project, I'd suggest checking TangoBB out.
@Khalil , TangoBB doesn't seem to be updated frequently...

MyBB I think is okay, personally, I prefer XenForo. It's clean, smooth, organized, and paid developers behind the scenes fixing things whereas MyBB only has volunteers behind the software, which is not a bad thing, it's just not as reliable in my opinion. I will say though, XenForo is rather costly considering all the plugins and themes have to be paid for, it's rather stupid.
I will say though, XenForo is rather costly considering all the plugins and themes have to be paid for, it's rather stupid.

I think that is the main complaint of Xenforo, most of the plugins are not free which is fine I suppose, developers need to make the money, however if I was going to buy Xenforo for the $140 it's worth, I might not have enough left over to buy all the plugins I need, which just add's to the actual price of Xenforo. In that respect, MyBB is better because you don't have to pay for all the themes and plugins, there are only a few paid plugins.
Yeah having to pay for themes and plug ins is a joke, i would never get it, i am happy with my free forum, and i have my own themes i can make for free
myBB is a great software! I have nothing against it. Plenty of big forums are on free software. However, it has a few less features than XenForo, which is great if you want a feature-rich community.
Minus the possible hacking threat, I think it can be as good as XenForo, assuming you can get all the right mods and whatnot. However, though, the hacking threat could be hot air. Nonetheless, some assume the paid software is looked after better - because it's premium. Do they have a case?
In my opinion it is just as good as paid solutions. MyBB in it's current state is a great competitor to IPB, and once MyBB 2.0 is released it'll be near the same as XenForo.

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