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Most Difficult ACP?

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Hey guys!
Out of the common forum software, which one do you think has the most difficult Admin Control Panel?

PHPBB for sure. The backend is so complicated compared to other forum softwares. Even simple software like SMF which isn't set up well is easier to modify than PHPBB. I think the Admin CP has good options in PHPBB and it's not too hard to find what you are looking for, but it's the template and plugin changes that are difficult.

Another Admin CP that is complex at first is vBulletin. vB is easy once you get used to it, but the amount of options can be extremely overwhelming for newer vB users.
PHPBB for sure. The backend is so complicated compared to other forum softwares. Even simple software like SMF which isn't set up well is easier to modify than PHPBB. I think the Admin CP has good options in PHPBB and it's not too hard to find what you are looking for, but it's the template and plugin changes that are difficult.

Another Admin CP that is complex at first is vBulletin. vB is easy once you get used to it, but the amount of options can be extremely overwhelming for newer vB users.

I agree completely, phpbb needs to rework their code and develop an easier ACP such as like XF or VB.

Also VB is kinda outdated as well, but its pretty easy to work once you get used to it!

Also when it comes to MODs and such phpbb mods are alot harder to install then VB and XF.
I agree completely, phpbb needs to rework their code and develop an easier ACP such as like XF or VB.
Also VB is kinda outdated as well, but its pretty easy to work once you get used to it!
Also when it comes to MODs and such phpbb mods are alot harder to install then VB and XF.

Yeah mods, plugins and themes on phpBB are a lot harder to install and configure than any other software I've used. I don't know why it's so annoyingly hard for phpBB to do what other softwares do easily, but oh well. I'm sure over time it gets easier, but still it's a huge barrier for new phpBB users that probably drives them away to other brands.
I dislike the vBulletin ACP. It just seems really cluttered and annoying to use, especially to a technical n00b. :yum:
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I agree with @John123. vBulletin's Admin Control Panel dates back to such a historical period and it's abhorring that they have yet. phpBB had a similar-looking panel back in the 2.x days (phpBB 3.0 was released in 2007) whereas Invision looked similar in the 1.3 era.

There's tons more that is wrong with the way that it was ran to the ground, but that's another story.
I've not come across an ACP that I found to be difficult. So far, I've found all of the ACP's that I've used to be pretty easy to use.....even if you are new to managing a forum.
VB or phpBB, I will also say XF was pretty hard in the beginning until you got used to where everything was.

Let's be honest though, phpBB needs to reword and condense somethings in that ACP.
I would say that vBulletin can have the weirdest layout ever for their admin control panel, however I've seen worse with more newer forum software systems (for example when Vanilla first came out or even the more restrictive PunBB during the previous few releases).

Not sure why people say phpBB, the newer version 3.1.x+ uses extensions so no more annoying MODs that would literally edit the core files and screw you on forum updates. It might just be that they have everything possible that you can edit spread out across multiple tabs (and not a nice modern interface for it yet).
Xenforo. While it has a pretty UI and what not, I find the ACP frustrating due to the fact that not everything is organized in the best manner and at many times, things are called something odd/weird to the point it makes it hard to find. ACP search is a bit atrocious and messy.
phpBB has the worst one. It's so confusing and I swear that they ave hidden thinks in their to confuse us all
phpMyAdmin :p
Even though it may not be an ACP it still confuses me to this day and gives me errors even though I'm doing it right

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