I think that liv? musi? (?t l??st in th? US? ?nd ?ur?p?) is bigg?r ?nd b?tt?r th?n ?v?r. I w?rk in liv? ?v?nts in N?rth?rn ?ur?p?, ?nd w?'v? s??n b?th l???lly, n?ti?n?lly ?nd int?rn?ti?n?lly th?t numb?rs ?r? up f?r liv? sh?ws ?nd f?stiv?ls. M?r? b?nds ?r? t?uring, m?r? v?nu?s ?p?ning, m?r? f?stiv?ls b??king ?nd p??pl? willing t? sp?nd th? ??sh ?nd ?v?n tr?v?l t? s?? f?stiv?ls ?r sh?ws.
D?spit? th? ?tt??ks in P?ris- ?sp??i?lly ?t L? B?t??l?n, I b?li?v? p??pl? ?r? ??ming ?ut in dr?v?s t? sh?ws b???us? th?y ?r? r??lizing th? v?lu? ?f ? m?m?nt th?t ??n n?t b? liv?d ?ny ?th?r w?y th?n ?n ?xp?ri?n??. Th? r???rding industry is th? ?n? in tr?ubl? b???us? ?f its multipl? f?rm?ts, ?utl?ts ?nd pir??y- with liv? musi?, y?u ??ns pir?t? ?n ?xp?ri?n??. Y?t.
Wh?t d? y?u think?
D?spit? th? ?tt??ks in P?ris- ?sp??i?lly ?t L? B?t??l?n, I b?li?v? p??pl? ?r? ??ming ?ut in dr?v?s t? sh?ws b???us? th?y ?r? r??lizing th? v?lu? ?f ? m?m?nt th?t ??n n?t b? liv?d ?ny ?th?r w?y th?n ?n ?xp?ri?n??. Th? r???rding industry is th? ?n? in tr?ubl? b???us? ?f its multipl? f?rm?ts, ?utl?ts ?nd pir??y- with liv? musi?, y?u ??ns pir?t? ?n ?xp?ri?n??. Y?t.
Wh?t d? y?u think?