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Do You Edit Users Posts?

Sep 30, 2022
Generally speaking, I do not edit users' posts as I try to exercise freedom of expression. However, users are expected to follow content policy. I do not remove posts as long as there is some interesting information. However, if the post contains something that violates my content policy (a link to a suspicious site, for instance), I will edit that post.
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You generally shouldn't edit users' posts unless they violate forum rules - if nothing else it's kinda rude.
No, I think it's bad practice to edit users posts. Not unless it violates the rules. If it's anything else than that, it shouldn't be done. They will most likely find out sooner or later and find it offensive and may end up leaving the forum.
Yup, they will. I've seen mods/staff do it before to users posts, then the user smarted up and figured it out. It's super bad practice and makes the staff team look bad IMO.
I do remember one genius staff member who would habitually edit other peoples' posts because he got confused between edit post and reply-with-quote...
Generally no. If the post has rule-breaking content, like NSFW items, the whole post is generally removed. If it has personal information that I feel should not be given out publicly, then I may edit it out of the post for the user's best interest.
I only edit users' posts if it is needed or necessary, sometimes people can say something that you really can not have on your forum and due to that, as an owner of a forum, you do have to take action and remove certain things from posts.

The only other time I will edit a post that is someone else's is for example if I am part of a package team like here on Admin Junkies and I may need to edit another user's post if they were the ones who posted the accepted topic and I need to update the number of posts and topics I have completed on the forum.
The only time I will is if they post P.I.I or links to specific sites which we prohibit. So basically anyone who breaches the rules which we have relatively few of.

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