Most forums I frequent nowadays allow you to have maybe one or two links in your signature to advertise your websites if you would like to whilst you are active on their forum or you can just have something random like a quote in there if you wish. This is usually based on the forum owner's decision and some do not allow the posting of links on their signatures but will allow other things such as quotes or maybe an image.
Do you allow advertising in signatures on your forum? If so, do you have any rules as to how many links or what can be advertised? I myself allow advertising of up to two websites in the signature or text or an image as I feel that is enough and isn't too overboard.
Do you allow advertising in signatures on your forum? If so, do you have any rules as to how many links or what can be advertised? I myself allow advertising of up to two websites in the signature or text or an image as I feel that is enough and isn't too overboard.