A lot of folks around the globe wants to start doing business, both large and small scale but after starting out, it ends up crashing. To avoid same predicaments which failed businesses have gone through,I'm going to share with you few basics of building a solid business.
So, before you consider starting up a business which you plan will turn into a conglomerate someday, main questions you need to ask yourself includes;
1) Why are you planning to start a company? Before you do something else, this is the most important question to answer. ...
2)What capital have you got access to? Where do you plan to get your funds from,is it self funding or an investor, choose that yourself.
3) What is it that you know how to do? Your main area of concentration that will help the business in all entirety.
4) If this business didn't get to workout, will you regret it?
Will I be depressed it turns out sour, why you should ask yourself this question includes that, will you be able to brace up your self from where it ended and start all over or not.
After answering these questions genuinely(right answers),crosscheck over again like a week,then if you are settled with concrete answers. You are good to go!