I know people who only accumulated tons of debts cause choosing a so called vanished professions. Lacking knowledge about a specific area's culture, together with illiteracy issue, makes people to mistake businesses. I give the example of house painting in my former area as a vanished profession. In the area where I was born, nobody calls a house painter since decades and I saw broken house painters. Everybody paints his/her own house/apartment. Cause culture in my former area, people is eager to avoid whatever expense different from edible stuff and to call a house painter is considered wasting money until you are so disabled you can't use your own hands to paint your apartment. I know house painters who got financially ruined or overwhelmed by debts at the point to owe money to John, Jerry and Jack Doe. So I think is better to quit a business when the chosen activity is the wrong activity. The wrong acivity meaning zero customers month by month, year by year doesn't make any sense.