Then one saves up to purchase it (if referring to the cost of XF) or one chooses a free script.How about $1000 per month? That is the equivalent in many currencies.
I use fishing as an analogy frequently. You can grab a rubber inner tube, some scrap cloth and float fish with a home made pole (free script).... or you can ramp it up to going out and getting a 22 foot specialized bass boat with a fancy fish finder and bait casting rods (paid script). You may have to save for a bit (some longer than others) to get that bass boat...
The hobby can be done by anyone... but there is ALWAYS a cost to the hobby (as with almost ANY hobby). It simply depends on what level of financial support you have available to you. It's not any developers responsibility to give "income based sliding prices" on their product. Pretty sure a Chevy Suburban costs the same (or even mayhap a little less) in the US as compared to overseas (locally a .Z71 package runs around $67,000, and in India it is roughly the equivalent of $68,000 USD, $63000 in Vietnam, $68,000 in Afghanistan). Should every person expect to be able to afford one? Nope... that doesn't even happen here in the U.S. Not everybody can afford it.
Same applies with your hosting... you find what you can afford... and if you can't find anything, then the hobby/pursuit is outside your ability.
Same way with any hobby (or even starting your own business)...not everyone who wants to can afford to participate. Unluckily...that's simply life. Back when I was in high school I would have LOVED to be able to afford the astronomy kit I have now... but the reality was, I didn't make enough to be able to do so. So I had to make do with simple binoculars.