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Wordpress popularity


Renowned member
Mar 10, 2015
Why is wordpress so popular, when it comes to blogs?

Even though we have many other blogging softwares, most of the bloggers, prefer wordpress software.
I am a bit lost.
So, would you mind sharing the general idea about wordpress with me? I have a blog(Well, a dead blog to be exact) and I have been using blogspot software(Now, that I think about it, I don't even know that platform's name :( )
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Most importantly, because of the amazing simplicity and design WordPress offers. They even have loads of the plugin to make your blog look professional and work amazingly, while other blog software doesn't do all the things at all. There support is much better and quicker than many.
It's the only real blog software that offers everything you would want to start a website or blog. It is easy to use, has many great themes that allow you to turn your site into anything even a directory.

Their support is great as well as many people use wordpress so whatever problem you have can be fixed quickly with help
From what I know about Wordpress, it is very simple to use and I like that simplicity. It becomes frustrating to me when they make something that is too overly complicated but that's not the case with Wordpress. I've enjoyed using it so far.
It is simple to install and use, and it's free. I think that says it all right there when it comes to why it is so popular. Plus, there are so many free plugins and themes which just add to the popularity.
WordPress is simple, user-friendly, easy-to-use and free. There is a wide variety of tutorials made for WordPress blogs and there are many plugins which make our life much easier!

I've used Ghost and Joomla, but I always prefer WordPress.

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