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Why to Have a Google Plus Brand Page


Mythical member
Jan 27, 2012
Why you should use a Google Plus page for your Business
Google Plus Pages are the Google plus profiles for your businesses. It is somewhat like your personal profile but with some extra controls and other stuffs. I hope you're familiar with facebook fan pages, Google plus pages are also for the same purpose.

The key features of a Google Plus Page:
Unlike your personal profile, Google Plus pages can have different administrators or 'managers' to manage your pages and interact with the people who have circled your page.

You can also chat to your customers using the Google Plus hangout feature. This cannot be done in Facebook pages at this moment in time.

This in itself, is a great feature to have as it allows you to directly interact with your customers and hear their suggestions and feedback. You could even use this option to give your customers a preview of your upcoming products or services.

The +1 button is another awesome feature that comes with Google Plus pages. This works in such a way that, if someone from your circle +1's your link, all their friends are going to see this update, and from this, your website will have a preference on their Google search results (Meaning, it is more likely to show up on their personalized results), which is awesome if you look at this from an SEO point of view!

Why you should have a Google Plus Page:
There are lots of reasons why you should have a Google + page. First of all, this comes from Google and the service has been going pretty well and you know, will be around for a long time. This is also a pretty new service, so it will be better for you and your pages/business if you set up shop early and establish yourself before it is exploited by others. As of March 2012, G+ has 170 million worldwide users. More people are starting to notice Google Plus and as a result, more and more people are joining and making pages. This could be the best time to start your page as more and more people are joining it and searching for its possibilities.

Another reason to have a Google Plus page is the way that you will be able to communicate with your customers. Google Plus pages lets you show your updates to a certain group of people. This way you can post stuff which only interest the people you know will like it as opposed to posting to everybody and half of them not liking it.

As said above, the +1 from your page/profile is going to assist you with your SEO and it is more likely to give your website more organic search referrals. With around a billion searches a day on Google , using this service can help you get more exposure in the search results.

Hangouts are another awesome feature which can be used to endorse your products or communicate with your customers.

So, I hope you now understamnd the reasons for having a Google+ page for your business/site. If you have any comments, suggestions or even some cool tips for Google plus pages, please let us know it by replying here.

Haze & Sam
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One year later, do you think that is still worth the effort to set a Google plus brand page?

I have seen little or no activity at all having a G+ personal profile, and I have heard many people is not achieving the expected results from this Google's Facebook clone or what do you think about this?
One year later, do you think that is still worth the effort to set a Google plus brand page?

I have seen little or no activity at all having a G+ personal profile, and I have heard many people is not achieving the expected results from this Google's Facebook clone or what do you think about this?
Oh yeah. With the right usage of Hashtags, you will get a lot of traffic. I know coz I am getting(not a lot lol, but its good).
The above reasons are great; but i created mine for more than that. The three reasons why i created a Google+ page was:
  1. To protect my brand name by creating a page first.
  2. To connect with my readers through Google as Google+ is integrated.
  3. To get my logo shown in the search engines result. :)
So, a Google+ page is important!

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