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When did you get on the web?

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for me it must have been before 2000 because thats when i moved to my current address - i would guess around 1998.
didnt get into seriously using it till after 2005 though
for me it must have been before 2000 because thats when i moved to my current address - i would guess around 1998.
didnt get into seriously using it till after 2005 though

Well I don't think we had internet on our old Win 95 so yeah. Plus in NZ, most people didn't get onto the web until around then because there wasn't many NZ sites...
Must be around..the 2000-2001 area, I remember having that annoying AOL dial up -.-
It was definitely dial-up cause i remember the frustration of seeing a phone number online and then picking up the phone to call it - and not being able to lol. Mind you it was 56k modem time so couldnt quite make a cuppa in the time it took a picture to fully appear.
It was definitely dial-up cause i remember the frustration of seeing a phone number online and then picking up the phone to call it - and not being able to lol. Mind you it was 56k modem time so couldnt quite make a cuppa in the time it took a picture to fully appear.

Gosh yes- I remember my Mum trying to ring someone- who lived on a farm so they had dialup pretty much until 2009ish- and they were always on the internet!!! So she never got through :)
When I was six. I recall hacking into my neighbor's computer who works for IBM. Still don't know how I did it...

--Sent from Tapatalk
I would have to say around 2001ish. I remember my school got a computer room then and then we were all on the interweb.
I would have to say around 2001ish. I remember my school got a computer room then and then we were all on the interweb.

I remember primary school computers :) I don't even think I had computers in school till 2004- this was the public school situation. Then I switched schools and I swear we we were on XP in 2005 on computers meant for Win 98 in my class. My teacher HATED computers, so that is what we got! Now at my high school, they update every year to the latest version of windows- so we're on Win7 Enterprise :D
Same here! Mine are being upgraded during the holidays now, so when I go back in a week they should be done
My primary school still have big, bulky computers which run windows millennium such is our funding issues! My college however updated to W7 last year but that has not been without its problems but W7 is much better than XP in a college environment I believe. I do have XP at home though on my old computer. :p

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