1. Look around your area and write down descriptions of advertisements you see.
2.Observe the trends, text, colors and what kind of images are on the advertisements.
Once you start noticing trends, try to think of ways your advertisement can go against those trends and be something different. Something that will make people stop and look. Once you've made people stop and look at your advertisement, they need to be able to understand what you're selling.
3.You may have the most eye-catching image on your advertisement, but if it is completely unrelated to your product or service, then viewers won't understand what you want them to buy. So, be sure that when you are selecting your images and text for your advertisement, people will understand what you're trying to sell.
4.A well-designed advertisement will also communicate well to audiences. In order to figure out how to make your advertisement effective, you need to identify your audience.
Who are you trying to target? Teenagers? The Elderly? Business people? Parents? There are a variety of different audiences, and the more specifically you can identify the audience for your product, the better chance you have of designing an ad that will effectively influence your audience.