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What is the benefits of blogging?

Mahabub Hassan

Active member
Apr 2, 2016
Hi everyone,
There are rumours benefits and the space here is not enough to blog about it. I am just listing the 5 (five) main reason why everyone should involve themselves in Blogging -

1. Share your thoughts and opinions with the world - Got something to say about the deteriorating political system of India? Or the performance of Indian cricket team? Or have an opinion on a topic like abortion or child marriages? Well, blogs are a perfect place to pen your thoughts online.

2. Preserve memories for great-grandchildren - Anything you blog, be it a story or a photo or a video clip, is saved forever on the Internet. Now imagine your great grand-children and their children reading your blog when they grow up. They'll almost feel like having a conversation with you.

3. Show your expertise, help people or even get a new job - A Blog instantly tells the world how knowledgeable you are on a particular topic and establishes you as an expert. You can also use your skills to help people online through the blog. Some companies even do head-hunting through blogs.

4. Stay connected with friends and family - If you have friends and family members spread in different parts of the world, a blog is the best way to keep in touch with everyone. For instance, if there's a family function at your home, you can upload the pictures to your blog and others can see view and comment on them instantly. No need for emails.

5. Make money from your blog - It's true that you can make a comfortable living from your blog provided you write consistently and work hard. Blogs won't make you rich overnight but if you follow some simple rules, chances are that blogging will definitely help you pay some of the bills.-

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It can also help you become a better writer and help you organize your creative thoughts. Also, sometimes it is just good to work your creative muscles.
Blogging is a great way to write about things that you enjoy and like to write about. Another good benefit is the fact that you can also make some money out blogging through ads.
Blogging is a great way to write about things that you enjoy and like to write about. Another good benefit is the fact that you can also make some money out blogging through ads.
Very true. Some people have made very good money via selling adspace on their blog.
Yeah, that is especially true if your blog has good traffic. Once you have a popular blog up and running you can make good money with renting out space for other people`s ads for sure.
Yeah, that is especially true if your blog has good traffic. Once you have a popular blog up and running you can make good money with renting out space for other people`s ads for sure.

That is very true. A lot of companies around me sell adspace on their blogs. They are local small businesses.
The benefit to me is a creative outlet and the ability to say that I can actually help someone on a lesser level by being a teacher, in short form, to them.
The benefit to me is a creative outlet and the ability to say that I can actually help someone on a lesser level by being a teacher, in short form, to them.

It's especially helpful when you feel unfulfilled creatively at your full-time job like I experience constantly. I am hoping to break out of that cycle eventually.

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