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Using Tags on Threads?

Nov 26, 2015
Do you make use of Tags when creating a new topic?


Have you seen much benefit from it? Would you recommend using it for all threads, particular threads (which threads then...)?
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Got 'em turned off... as there is no consistency on what users may use. That's why I use Prefixes instead. They are consistent and easy to filter upon in the category node.

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It's one of the things I love most about XF (along with the custom fields).
I've considered switching to those, but I would want the multi-prefix addon probably if I were to do so.
This isn't a feature on Jcink, but I made a code for it. I used it on my site for a short period in the resource-related sections to help people more easily find codes and skins they're after, but it didn't get much usage and I felt it just took up more JavaScript space that I could be using for better features. It's a useful feature/code for the most part to help find content relevant to the topic at hand.
For me the main advantage is when you have different content types, you can present the appropriate results to your users with clever tagging site wide.
For me the main advantage is when you have different content types, you can present the appropriate results to your users with clever tagging site wide.
That's "great" if YOU are the only one using the "tagging"... how do you address when your users are using said "tagging" and tagging with words spelled incorrectly, or with tags that have nothing to do with the topic at hand? Generally we are referring to a forum and not a blog here... as most of us run forums and very few blogs.
You see, generally the "tags" aren't limited to an admin... they are open to all users... how exactly do you gain standardization in an "open text" item like tags?
How exactly will a tag of "dogs" work when someone uses the tags "dawgs" or "dogz"? You are going to have to have the script go "the extra mile" to even correlate those between each other. Whereas with a prefix, you have "dogs" or "cats" or "guinea pigs" or whatever.
Remember... we have to work with the lowest common denominator... when I was working as an LEO, we were taught to write our reports so a 6th grader could understand them... there was a reason for that.
Defined tags. Global, per forum or content type.
Then they don't meet the true defintion of "tags"... tags are user created.. not pre-defined. Pre-defined fit more into the role of "prefixes", no matter how one tries to rebrand it.

Simple too, use tag aliases. Dogz will be converted to dogs automatically.
Yah... and how many of the current scripts actually DO that... I haven't come across one yet. I can give you theoretical answers for most any question you put forth.. what we have to deal with is reality in the here and now.
I can give you theoretical answers for most any question you put forth.. what we have to deal with is reality in the here and now.
I don't ask question and I live in the here and now. And the software I use CAN do that.

There is one more thing... just like on the actual posts, the staff should also have an eye on the tags, then you don't even need modern software.
I don't ask question and I live in the here and now. And the software I use CAN do that.
If XF.. no, not natively it cannot "do that".
I know that Mazzly has a decent tag add-on... as does Xon (his is paid and uses XFES to extend the ability). So if talking about XF, what add-on are you using that does that?

the staff should also have an eye on the tags, then you don't even need modern software.
or they can simply reduce the work load and not allow tags... tags were the "in" thing for a period of time... but honestly, most people don't even pay attention to them any longer and don't take the time to even use them. In fact, some recommendations I have seen are suggesting getting away from tags... as they have been over used (think spammed) in many aspects and no longer serve the purpose they once did.
Honestly... I can't think of a single forum site that I use (other than when I was over at Bash.zone) that has a regular use of tags (even on the XF site they are available but I have rarely seen them used).

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