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Using Tags on Threads?

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Since when does XF have a lot of build in features? You need a whole lot of addons to get what others already have in core. These are mostly paid and already the whole thing is not so cheap anymore.

Then you have to hope that the developers of these addons adapt them promptly when a new version of the base software comes out (which admittedly is not very often the case with XF). Example? With AMS it took over one year until it was available for XF2. In practice this meant that I couldn't update a site I was maintaining for over a year because it was dependent on AMS at that time.

The bottom line is that XF is a good software for hobby admins who like to tinker but not if you want to use it professionally. Unless you embed it as a simple forum in a company website and have your own developers who take care of the integration and add additional features.
Surprisingly I've been on many Xenforo forums that have the tags enabled and I've never used it. I even owned my own Xenforo forum and never used it.
And that's one of my points... tag's are like MySpace... they are a passing fad in history.
But some folks still live in the MySpace zone (and apparently the "tags are good" one).
The bottom line is that XF is a good software for hobby admins who like to tinker but not if you want to use it professionally. Unless you embed it as a simple forum in a company website and have your own developers who take care of the integration and add additional features.
Can you show me an IPS site (or any other forum script) that offers similar to my astro site does currently? Event he "big boy" in the niche that runs IPS can't compare.
Pretty sure AMS didn't take a year to get from 1.x line to the 2.x line.
But I'm not going to dig through the history dating for the add-on to find out for sure.
BUT... with ANY script.. if you are dependent upon a 3rd party add-on... you aren't going to be able to immediately upgrade when a new version of the script comes out.
Pretty sure AMS didn't take a year to get from 1.x line to the 2.x line.
XenForo 2.0.0 & Add-ons Released -> Nov 28, 2017
Article Management System (AMS) 2.0.0 released -> Dec 14, 2018

BUT... with ANY script.. if you are dependent upon a 3rd party add-on...
That's why the plan behind my site is to use no 3rd party stuff at all.

Can you show me an IPS site (or any other forum script) that offers similar to my astro site does currently?
Please tell me some more details :)
That's why the plan behind my site is to use no 3rd party stuff at all.
Then you are really limiting yourself.. as most scripts fail to provide a full featured menu.
As for AMS... it's probably because I actually use the Premium package I wasn't "stuck" with having to wait a year.

Please tell me some more details
please feel free to take a look.. it's clearly shown in the first line of the signature.
Full featured menu?

please feel free to take a look
I have already briefly skimmed it, I see a Gallery Slideshow, AMS, Showcase and a few other things. But I'll take a closer look this weekend.

And no I don't feel limited, I create everything I need by myself. You can check out my site too, the link is in the profile. But please keep in mind that it's about 3 weeks old and it's hard to develop and fill it with content beside the regular work.
I create everything I need by myself.
Not everyone can write a full featured add-on.
As for checking out your site.. kinda hard to do if you don't show it in your sig... and I don't have a habit of checking profiles.

But honestly... your "article" section reminds me of a simplistic 2000's HTML web page.

Screen Shot 2023-09-09 at 7.32.43 AM.png


Screen Shot 2023-09-09 at 7.33.33 AM.png

I'll leave it to the user to decide which has a more pleasing view.

It's readily apparent to anyone that has used multiple scripts you are using IPS at the core... and honestly.. not pushing it very hard IMHO.

It does appear that you may be utilizing Pages... one of the stronger core products offered by IPS. But even with it, unless you have extensive coding skills, you will have difficulty equaling what a certain developers 3rd party add-ons offer.... and I know.. I've played with both.

But that is the beauty.. both scripts offer some strong points and weak points.. the thing is.. some people can't seem to acknowledge that.
I found very few 3rd party add-ons that could compete with the ones offered on XF... including the classifieds IPS add-on that REQUIRED you to purchase a first party add-on from IPS, unlike what Classified Ads System (CAS) for XenForo does.
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I don't have a habit of checking profiles.
And I'm not a fan of signatures ;)

But honestly... your article section reminds me of a simplistic 2000's HTML web page.
It is, it are only external links (read more).

It's readily apparent to anyone that has used multiple scripts you are using IPS at the core
This is also intended, since I will primarily offer services for IPS there. That's why I also use only a very slightly modified default theme.

It does appear that you may be utilizing Pages...
This is also true, because pages has a huge advantage over "normal" applications: It is update safer, because it is part of the core. And yes, you also need coding skills, but then you have a product that does exactly what you want and looks like you want it to. And it's unique.

In addition, there is more to many parts of the site than meets the eye (especially on first sight), which is simply not possible with off-the-shelf addons.
It is, it are only external links (read more).
Then they are not "truly" articles then are they? They may be "articles" done elsewhere... but you can even make that look "nicer" than what is shown. Hell, XF has XFRM that can link to similar resources... and provide a better appearance.
Some of these are actual "articles" that are provided.. and others are links to downloadable resources...

Screen Shot 2023-09-09 at 8.07.03 AM.png

ALL of those are links to outside resources.. and the appearance of the item is much more "pleasing" than a simple list.
What you link to and call "articles" are not truly "articles" in the base structure of a site (which would indicate the articles are locally created).. but simply links that could be better served under an appropriate venue.

THESE are articles.. they are written and maintained on the site itself.

Screen Shot 2023-09-09 at 8.09.23 AM.png

They aren't links to outside resources (and dependent upon those outside resources continuing existence).

This is also true, because pages has a huge advantage over "normal" applications: It is update safer, because it is part of the core
Yes.. pages is a VERY powerful IPS tool and something that none of the other scripts has to compare with... but again, without coding skills/knowledge.. it's useless to probably only about all but 5-10% of the IPS license hodlers. Others will be required to engage outside developers to pursue what they want..
Guess what.. I have actually USED IPS and Pages to a fairly "pushed" extent (specifically 4.3 line).. so I know what it's capable of... but I also know it's limitations.

which is simply not possible with off-the-shelf addons.
uh-huh... i can almost guarantee you that anything that can be done with IPS can be done in XenForo if one has the coding skills and knowledge... or enough money.
Then they are not "truly" articles then are they? They may be "articles" done elsewhere... but you can even make that look "nicer" than what is shown. Hell, XF has XFRM that can link to similar resources... and provide a better appearance.
What are you actually upset about now? This is a LIST of ARTICLES worth reading on EXTERNAL pages. The source is always right next to it. What you call "more pleasing" looks in my opinion much more bloated and consumes much more space than the list form. I could have easily cloned the look of the RM too, but I like this presentation better and it looks exactly the way I want it to look. If I would use a ready-made addon, I would have to compromise.

Speaking of the RM, you'd rather spend $80 (incl VAT) for something that cost me nothing but an hour of work? You must be very rich 😁

THESE are articles.. they are written and maintained on the site itself.
I have articles written on the site itself too, the one with the explanation I linked above is one of those, it's in the BLOG section. By the way, many articles on this blog are availiable in different languages, depending on which one the visitor has selected (more here). And I don't mean on-the-fly translation, but actual standalone texts. How many off-the-shelf addons can do that?

uh-huh... i can almost guarantee you that anything that can be done with IPS can be done in XenForo if one has the coding skills and knowledge... or enough money.
Read what you have quoted very carefully. It says "not possible with off-the-shelf addons." and not "not possible with XF". Maybe something got lost in the DeepL translation, with off-the-shelf is meant a ready-made addon. Because these usually do not have the or all the functions exactly as you need them, but must hope that they can do it. When you buy a ready-made addon, you always have to compromise.

With custom coding everything is possible on every system and exactly that's what I'm doing. I could have created the whole site (except for the small forum part I use for the support threads for the downloads) with WordPress or most other CMS too, but since the target audience is IPS, I use this one.

It's still early in the morning in my timezone and I haven't had a chance to take a closer look at your site yet, but I'll do that later today ;)
What are you actually upset about now?
Not upset about anything... to me, for a site, articles are content created on/for that site... not links to another site. Not that difficult of a position to understand.

Speaking of the RM, you'd rather spend $80 (incl VAT) for something that cost me nothing but an hour of work? You must be very rich
I have more than adequate funds to pay for what I desire to get the ability that I want (both for the site(s) and for my hobby). And I've had XFRM and XFMG for almost a decade now.... so no, I didn't have to pay $80 for it. But I do know that there are those that want to say "XF is cheaper than IPS"... well, if you only base the XF forum against the full suite, then yes it is... but once you start extending XF to do what you can with the core IPS products (including Pages) then you usually have exceeded the purchase price and renewal costs of IPS. It is why I have (for years) told folks to pick the right tool for the job.
And ironically.. if you are referring to your downloads section... remind us... what component is that? Could it actually be... gasp... IPS downloads (their equivalent of XFRM but not quit up toe he same offering in the 4.x line)? If I remember correctly, wasn't that (before they came out with classic license) a $50-70 additional fee to add onto the IPS offering? Wasn't Pages an additional cost?

I have articles written on the site itself too, the one with the explanation I linked above is one of those, it's in the BLOG section.
And those would usually correctly be referred to as an article for your site.... but I have a little different attitude... "articles" posted on other sites and linked to are a RESOURCE, not an article. You may consider them otherwise, and that is perfectly fine... but to me, I don't buy a newspaper to read an article only have it give me directions to go down to this other place to actually get/see it.

Read what you have quoted very carefully.
I did... and yes, you can also extend those "off the shelf add-ons".. hell, there is ample evidence of add-ons currently in the XFRM, XFMG, Article Management Systems, Review Management Systems, ElasticSearch and many other add-ons for XenForo that do exactly that..... so instead of reinventing the wheel, you modify it.

You'll have to forgive me.. sometimes my aphasia may not allow to to write exactly what others will understand. I'm lucky enough it doesn't affect speech as badly.
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