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[TUT] How to use the Media Gallery feature of your XenForo software


Reputable member
Feb 13, 2016
The XenForo Media Gallery is an add-on that allows you and your users to create galleries of images and videos in your forum, organized into admin-defined categories or user-created albums. It can be purchased from XenForo.com directly.

XenForo Media Gallery requires XenForo 1.3.0 or newer. The Media Gallery add-on requires a separate purchase to become available to a XenForo license.

  1. First, log in to the Customer Area and download the latest version of XenForo Media Gallery.
  2. It is important that the files on the server and what you're uploading are "merged". Otherwise you may break your XenForo installation.
    Use your FTP client to connect to your server and navigate to the directory where you installed XenForo. Unzip the file you downloaded in step 1 and upload the contents of the upload directory into the directory where you installed XenForo.
  3. Log in to your XenForo admin control panel, and select Install Add-on from the left. In Install from file on server, enter library/XenGallery/addon-XenGallery.xml and submit the form.
After the caches rebuild, XenForo Media Gallery will now be installed and you should configure it.

  1. First, log in to the Customer Area and download the latest version of XenForo Media Gallery.
  2. It is important that the files on the server and what you're uploading are "merged". Otherwise you may break your XenForo installation.
    Use your FTP client to connect to your server and navigate to the directory where you installed XenForo. Unzip the file you downloaded in step 1 and upload the contents of the upload directory into the directory where you installed XenForo. You should ensure that files are overwritten.
  3. Log in to your XenForo admin control panel, and select List Add-ons from the left. Under the Controls drop-down for XenForo Media Gallery, select Upgrade. In Upgrade from file on server, enter library/XenGallery/addon-XenGallery.xml and submit the form.
After the caches rebuild, the XenForo Media Gallery upgrade will be complete.

Media Gallery Configuration
Configuration Options
Several new options are created in Applications > Gallery Options to control the Media Gallery. From here you can control the various Media Gallery behaviors.

Permission Setup
The Media Gallery adds various permissions so you should confirm that the permissions meet your needs. You should check that your moderators have the correct permissions via Users > Moderators and group permissions should be checked via Applications > Gallery Permissions. Reasonable defaults are selected based on existing permissions.

Category Setup
Under Applications > Gallery Categories, you can set up the category structure for your gallery. Categories can be infinitely nested and parent categories will show media from all child categories. Each category can be set up to allow different types of media, with basic permissions controlling who can view and add media to each category.

As well as storing media in admin defined categories, users may create their own albums with full privacy controls.
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